Shaun Libby

Posts by Shaun Libby for News & Updates:

Rotas - Sunday 18th March

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen
TWEENIES ChrissAnne, Annice, Naomi
TEAS Alan and Grace


Rotas Next Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie
TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Donna Mackinnon
TEAS Elaine and Ian M

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Notices - Sunday 18th March

Election of Office Bearers
Voting forms are available today. Communicant members are asked to take one envelope which contains a voting form. The form has details of how to complete it. Please return envelopes by placing them in the plate or giving them to those on the door no later than Sunday 25th March. Elders are encouraged to take envelopes to any communicant members who are housebound or unable to get to the services. Thank you.

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Service Details - Sunday 11th March

11am English Service (Church)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod


Psalm 107: 1-9 (Sing Psalms) p143

Psalm 16: 6-end (Sing Psalms) p17

Psalm 37: 34-end (Scottish Psalter) p255

Psalm 72: 16-end (Scottish Psalter) p314

Reading: Genesis 24: 52- Genesis 25: 11

Sermon Text: Genesis 25: 7-8

Sermon Title: The Death of Abraham

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Rotas - Sunday 11th March

Rotas This Week


CRECHE Kate, Mary, Mairianne

TWEENIES Elizabeth, Karen, Elaine

TEAS Erica and Katie Ann

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Notices - Sunday 11th March

Notices for Sunday the 11th of March


Special Collection

A special collection will be taken at all services today for Day One (formerly Lord's Day Observance Society).  

Collection points will be in place at each exit and at the two doors leading from upstairs.

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Midweek Bible Study Notes - Session 3


Wisdom from James


This Bible study is based on the Letter of James and is intended for group discussion after an initial talk by the minister. The questions set out in each session of the study are intended to stimulate discussion and need not be kept to rigidly but all the questions arise from what is written in this Letter.


 Session 3

Is my Religion “Pure and Undefiled”?




Passage for Study:

James 1: 18-27

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Order Form for Communion Services

Service Details - Sunday 4th March

11am English Service (Church)

Rev James Maciver



Psalm 100 (1) whole (Scottish Psalter) p362

Psalm 80 (a): 1-7 (Sing Psalms) p106

Psalm 47: 4-9 (Scottish Psalter) p272

Psalm 28: 6-9 (Scottish Psalter) p238

Reading: Acts 20: 17-38

Sermon Text: Acts 20: 28

Sermon Title: Elders-Shepherds of the Flock


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Rotas - Sunday 4th March 2018

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel

TWEENIES Alison, Naomi, Liz

TEAS Chrisell and Ian

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Notices - Sunday 4th March 2018

Notices for Sunday the 4th of March

Youth Fellowship will meet in the hall after the evening service for pizza and refreshment before heading to the Bridge centre to attend the Bayhead Youth Group from 8:30-9:45pm. All young people welcome.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 4th March 2018'...

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