Notices - Sunday 12th January
Curry Evening for Free Church Youth Camps
You are warmly invited to a curry evening in the M A Hall on Friday 31st January at 6.30pm.
The money raised will be used to defray the costs for campers and camp leaders attending from our own congregation. Food other than curry will also be available.
To book a seat or table please phone Ali Moley on 07810 691033.
Donations can be made at the door on the evening.
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 12th January'...Notices - Sunday 5th January
Wednesday 8th January at 7.30pm – Bible Study in the M A Hall
We will be continuing the study called ‘These Truths alone – Why the Reformation Solas are essential for our faith today’.
Solas is a Latin word meaning ‘alone’ or ‘only’. The Five Solas are: by Scripture alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone and glory to God alone.
We come to Chapter 3 this week, ‘By Grace Alone’. By looking back to the Reformation 500 years ago, we appreciate the relevance of these teachings and how applicable they are to our lives today.
Even if you haven’t been before, each study stands alone, and everyone is very welcome to come.
If you would like a study book, please speak to Calum or Lizzie. They will also be available in the Hall on Wednesday evening.
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 5th January'...Notices - Sunday 29th December
55+ Fellowship
The first meeting of the 55+ Fellowship in 2025 will be held on Friday 10th January from 2.30pm until 4.00pm in the M.A. Hall. What better way to start the year than with a “Ceilidh” with Murdie “Parkend” Macleod. Murdie and Duncan Norman will entertain those who come with a Question and Answer session covering Murdie’s Christian life. The singing will be led by Kenny Macdonald from Back.
Please come along and blow away the Festive Season cobwebs along with the over 55s.
If you need transport, please contact me on one of the numbers below:
01851 860 418, or 07787 973802
Duncan Norman
On behalf of the 55+ Fellowship Committee
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 29th December'...Notices - Sunday 22nd December
Thank you
The Stornoway Street Pastors want to thank the congregation for all the support given to the pastors throughout the year, particularly for the use of the hall, which is greatly appreciated. Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
Notices - Sunday 15th December
YF meets Sunday 15th December in the Constable Road manse.
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 15th December'...Notices - Sunday 8th December
Tuesday 10th December at 7.30pm – WfM meeting in the M A Hall.
Our guest speaker will be David Morrison from the High Free congregation. We will have a Christmas themed craft stall and we would be most grateful for any donations of baking. All ladies welcome.
Notices - Sunday 1st December
55+ Fellowship
The next meeting of the 55+Fellowship will be on Friday 13th December, in the M A Hall at 12 noon until 2.00pm. Please note the early start that day as it will be a Soup and Pudding lunch. On that Friday our speaker will be Rev. Tommy Macneil of Martin’s Memorial Church, and the singing will be led by our very own Murdo Macleod ( Murdie Parkend).
If anyone needs transportation to or from the meeting, please contact Duncan on one of the numbers below:
01851 860 418 or 07787 973802.
We look forward to seeing you and hope you will come along for friendly fellowship, food, an interesting talk and singing.
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 1st December'...Notices - Sunday 17th November
Providence Christian School
All are warmly invited to a prayer meeting at Providence Christian School on Monday 18th November at 7.30pm, led by Rev Greg Macdonald. There will be a time of fellowship afterwards over a cup of tea.
For those unable to join in person, a Teams option is available through [email protected].
Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 17th November'...Notices - Sunday 20th October
Safeguarding Training Course – Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm
The next online training course will be on Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm. This can be accessed on the Free Church of Scotland website. All those who have not yet completed the course must register and book their place no later than Thursday 24th October.
Notices - Sunday 13th October
Vacancy Committee
The vacancy committee met for the first time on Tuesday 8th October. This puts us at the 'start line' of the process which, with the Spirit's leading, will bring the congregation to settle on who God would have to be your senior pastor. Be assured the committee will do their level best to represent your wishes in these discussions. Please continue to pray as we move forward and start inviting ministers to preach.
Rev Colin Macleod
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