Archive: 1, 2018

Service Details - Sunday 28th January

11am English Service (Church)

Mr Iain Morrison


Psalm 93 (whole) (Sing Psalms) p123

Psalm 63: 1-5 (Scottish Psalter) p295

Psalm 85: 8-13 (Sing Psalms) p113

Psalm 40: 1-4 (Scottish Psalter) p259

Reading: Isaiah 45

Sermon Text: Isaiah 45: 22

Sermon Title: Straightforward Salvation


6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev K.I.Macleod (Church)

Psalms: Psalm 135: 1-7 (Sing Psalms) p176

Psalm 78: 1-6 (Scottish Psalter) p324

Psalm 119: 9-19 (Sing Psalms) p157

Psalm 89: 11-14 (Scottish Psalter) p345

Reading: Mark 1:1-28

Sermon Text: Mark 1: 21-22

Sermon Title: The Authority of Christ's Teaching

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Rotas This Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie, Kirsty, Megan

TWEENIES Elizabeth, Kay, Alison

TEAS Kathetta and Murdo

Rotas Next Week

CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel, Anna, Hannah

TWEENIES ChrissAnne, Donna, Annice

TEAS ChrissAnne and Murdo

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Notices - Sunday 28th January

Services next week:

11am English Service (Church): Rev Kenneth I Macleod

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary): Rev James Maciver

6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev James Maciver

Midweek Meetings: All at 7.30pm in the Seminary

Wednesday – English -James Maciver

Thursday – Gaelic – Rev KI Macleod

Saturday – English

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Service Details - Sunday 21 January

11am English Service (Church) Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Sermon Title: Bring it to the Lord in Prayer

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev James Maciver

Tiotal: Ùrnaigh airson Dùsgadh (A Prayer for Revival)

6.30pm English Service (Church)  Rev James Maciver

Sermon Title: Study 11, First Peter- The Living Temple

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Notices - Sunday 21 January

Sun 21st Jan- The Big YF meets in the Rev MA Memorial Hall, Stornoway tonight at 8.30-9.45pm and all young people are warmly invited. Rev David Macdonald (Back) will speak on How Do We Know the Bible is True?

Mon 22nd Jan- The Kirk Session will meet at 7.00pm in the Session Room, Kenneth Street.

Tues 23rd Jan- The Craft Group will meet in the hall at 7:30pm

Sat 27th Jan- There will be a Fundraising Lunch in the Hall from 12-2pm in aid of Dwelling Places. All welcome.

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Rotas - Sunday 21 January

Rotas This Week
CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen, Anna, Hannah
TWEENIES Liz, Naomi, Karen 
TEAS Mary and Mairianne

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The 55+ Fellowship due to take place on Friday afternoon (19th January) is CANCELLED due to the wintry weather. Please spread the word.

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Born to Grow - Study 10, 1 Peter

Last Sunday evening, Rev James MacIver preached on 1 Peter 2 v 1-3, the tenth study in his series on 1 Peter. Read more about 'Born to Grow - Study 10, 1 Peter'...

Thàinig Nicodemus Cuideachd

Air madainn na Sàbainn a chaidh, shearmonaich an t-Urramach Seumas MacÌomhair air Eòin 19: 39a - Thàinig Nicodemus Cuideachd. Read more about 'Thàinig Nicodemus Cuideachd'...

Service Details - Sunday 14 January

11am English Service (Church) Rev Iver Martin

Sermon Title: Ministry: Model, Material and Method

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev James Maciver

Tiotal: Thàinig Nicodemus Cuideachd

6.30pm English Service (Church)  Rev James Maciver

Sermon Title: Study 10, First Peter- Born to Grow

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