Archive: 1, 2019

Notices - Sunday 30th June

Chaperones Required for Free Church Youth Camps
Island chaperones are required for the following slots. Can you help? If so, please contact Donald Macleod on [email protected]
Saturday 20th July -Stornoway to Inverness (early ferry)
Saturday 3rd August -Inverness to Stornoway (early ferry)
Saturday 3rd August -Inverness to Stornoway (evening ferry)

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Service Details - Sunday 30th June

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Living with God

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Mr Murdo Martin

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Awaiting the King’s Arrival

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Midweek Bible Study - Joseph(4)


Wednesday 3rd July

Joseph – A Life of Integrity and Wisdom

This Bible study is based on Genesis chapters 37-50 and is intended for group discussion after an initial talk by the minister. An outline of the talk is given in each handout for each study. The questions set out in each session of the study are intended to stimulate discussion and need not be kept to rigidly but all the questions arise from the content of these chapters. 

Session 4
From Prison to Prime Minister

Passage for Study: Genesis 40:1 – 41:36

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Notices - Sunday 23rd June

Sunday Schools as usual today. Children going to Sunday School should go next door to the hall during the second singing. New children are welcome at any time

Prizegiving This will take place in the hall immediately after the morning service. All are warmly invited to attend. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be provided.
Tuesday 25th June- Craft Group meets in the Hall from 7.30pm. All welcome.

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Service Details - Sunday 23rd June

11am English Service (Church) - Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Sermon Title: Darkness Overcome by Light

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary) - Rev Donald A Macdonald

Tiotal: Gradh air a ghluinean

6.30pm English Service (Church) - Rev Donald A Macdonald

Sermon Title: Sought and Saved

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Notices - Sunday 16th June

Sunday 16th June
Big YF meets in North Harris Free Church. Dr Angus McKellar will speak on the topic of Mental Health. All young people are asked to meet at the church at 4:30pm for the minibus leaving for Harris at 4:45pm, returning to town around 10:30pm. All welcome.

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Service Details - Sunday 16th June

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Life in a First Century Church-1

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Tiotal: Many Prayers in One Psalm


6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Life in a First Century Church-2

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Lewis Christian Conference 2019

Mòrachd Chrìosd

Air madainn na Sàbainn, shearmonaich an t-Urr. Seumas MacÌomhair air Leabar nan Eabhruidheach 1: 1 – 14.

Tha an earrann seo a’ labhairt mu chonaltradh agus foillseachadh – dà rud a tha dlùth-cheangailte, oir, far a bheil conaltradh, mar as trice tha an duine a tha a’ bruidhin, no a’ sgrìobhadh, a’ toirt boillsgeadh dhuinn den seòrsa phearsa a th’ aige.

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Notices - Sunday 9th June

Sunday 9th June
-YF will meet tonight after the evening service in the hall. The topic is “God and Science”. All young people are welcome.

-The Lewis Christian Conference Organising Committee will hold a prayer meeting in the APC church, Keith street at 8.30pm. All friends and supporters of the work are invited to join with us as we pray for the Lord's blessing on the island and on the forthcoming conference.

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