Archive: 1, 2020

Notices - 26th January

Tonight- YF meets after the evening service until 9.30pm. Tonight’s topic is Right Relationships, which is the first of a new series for this term called ‘Salt and Light’. All secondary aged young people and their friends welcome.

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Service Details - 26th January

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Psalm 138:1-5 (Scottish Psalter) p431
Psalm 25:16-22 (Sing Psalms) p30
Psalm 139:1-10 (Scottish Psalter) p432
Psalm 139(a):15-18 (Sing Psalms) p181
Reading: Psalm 49 p567
Sermon Text: Ecclesiastes 3:16-22 p669
Sermon Title: Study 7, Ecclesiastes –
Humans and Beasts, Any Difference?

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Mr Murdo Martin

6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev James Maciver

Psalm 106:1-10 (Sing Psalms) p140

Psalm 30:1-5 (Scottish Psalter) p239

Psalm 63:1-8 (Scottish Psalter) p295

Psalm 133(whole) (Sing Psalms) -175

Reading:1 John 4:7-21 p1229

Sermon Text:1 John 4:7-12 p1229

Sermon Title: First John(15) - God's Love Made Clear

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Notices - Sunday 19th January

There will be a Congregational Fellowship in the hall, after the evening service. Alasdair Macleod (Garyvard) will be speaking about Bible camps in Hungary. All welcome.

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Service Details - Sunday 19th January

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Title: How to Walk Properly

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Tiotal: An Duine Beannaichte anns Na Sailm (9)

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 14, First John – Testing the Spirits

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Notices - Sunday 12th January

Monday 13th January
Deacons’ Court meets at 7pm in the Session Room, Kenneth Street.

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Service Details - Sunday 12th January

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 6, Ecclesiastes – Our Sense of Eternity

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Tiotal: Focussed on Living and Dying

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 13, First John – Justifiable Assurance

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Poem On Love By Dr Kenneth Moynagh (1913-1972) Quoted By Rev James Maciver in Evening Service

Dr Kenneth Moynagh 

Medical missionary – served 1947-1964 in Rwanda/Burundi. Obituary in BMJ stated, “Throughout his medical career the mainspring of his life was his Christian faith.” Taking the elements of “the fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5, he wrote the following poem, showing each element in relation to love.


Joy is Love exulting, and Peace is love at rest;

Patience, Love enduring in every trial and test;

Gentleness, Love yielding to all that is not sin;

Goodness, Love in actions, that flow from Christ within.

Faith is Love’s eyes opened the living Christ to see;

Meekness, Love not fighting, but bowed at Calvary;

Temperance, Love in harness and under Christ’s control.

For Christ is love, in person – and Love, Christ in the soul.


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Notices - Sunday 5th January

Sunday 5th January
Bayhead Youth Group will meet in the Bridge Centre, 8.30-9.30pm. The speaker this month is Kenny Smith, Bragar. All are welcome to attend.  

All young people are invited to the hall after the evening service for food and refreshment before heading down to the Bridge Centre together for 8.30pm.

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Service Details - Sunday 5th January

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Title: The Healing Sun

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Tiotal: An Duine Beannaichte anns Na Sailm (7)

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 12, First John – Hatred and Love in Conflict

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