Archive: 1, 2020

“O Lord, our lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You set your glory above the heavens. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8v1,3,4

This psalm bursts with praise to both the glory and grace of God. David paints amazing pictures with his sense of awe and joy. We are taken back, above and beyond the heavens to the very beginning itself. Of course we know that behind the beginning is the God of Creation, Grace, Providence, and Redemption. We are not sure when David penned this psalm but I can imagine it’s after a night gazing into the starry sky. David is in absolute awe with the enormity and vastness of God’s creation and the minuteness of man in comparison. There have been times we too have gazed at the vast expanse of a star filled sky, aware that we are only seeing a fraction of what is there. Like the psalmist we say, What a God and “what is man?”(v4)

Read more about 'The Master Craftsman - Pastoral Reflection for August'...

Newsletter - 28 July 2020

Click here for this week's email newsletter with a roundup of some news and updates from our congregation and the wider church. If you would like to receive this newsletter in your email inbox, just get in touch - [email protected].

Read more about 'Newsletter - 28 July 2020'...


Many months have passed since Campaigners last met due to lockdown restrictions and we have missed you all terribly!

Since we missed all our usual Term 4 fun activities (especially the camp for Crosstrax) we thought we would put together a wee Summer Holiday Survival Bag, for all three groups, to compensate a little for the Monday nights we’ve missed.

Parents/guardians of Campaigners are invited to come and collect a gift bag for each child. Our church hall (Rev MA Macleod Memorial Hall, Kenneth Street) will be open on WEDNESDAY 29th JULY between 10am-12noon for you to pop in and pick up the gift bag.

Read more about 'CAMPAIGNERS GIFT BAGS'...

Service Details - Sunday 26 July

11am Service: Online Service available on our sermons page, our Facebook page and YouTube page.

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'Herod's Troubled Conscience' from Mark 6:16-20 in this worship service recorded at home.


6.30pm Service: Online Service available on our sermons page, our Facebook page and YouTube page.

Mr Scott Macleod preaches on 'Rahab's Rainbow' from Joshua 2:21 in this worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 26 July'...

Newsletter - 20 July 2020

Click here for this week's email newsletter with a roundup of some news and updates from our congregation and the wider church. If you would like to receive this newsletter in your email inbox, just get in touch - [email protected].

Read more about 'Newsletter - 20 July 2020'...

Service Details - Sunday 19 July

11am Service: Facebook Livestream (Click here)

Rev James Maciver continues his study on God’s Questions looking at the question, “What are you seeking?”'  from John 1:38-39 in this morning worship service livestreamed from his home.


6.30pm Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'Jesus Heals Soul and Body' from Luke 5:22-25 in this evening worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 19 July'...

Dear Friends,

We appreciate how difficult the past months have been for you all. The restrictions that have been in place over the Covid-19 pandemic, while for good reasons of health protection, have nevertheless imposed a curtailment of the services and activities we loved and enjoyed together. Now that we are seeing an easing of the restrictions, we hope that we can soon resume our use of church buildings again. Meantime, we wanted to inform you about the present situation and how we see the way forward, having met as a Kirk Session on Tuesday 14th July.

Read more about 'Pastoral Letter: Church Reopening Timescale'...

Service Details - Sunday 12 July

11am Service:On our sermons page, Facebook Premiere and YouTube Premiere

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'God's invitation and Provision' from Isaiah 55:1 in this morning worship service recorded at home


6.30pm Service: Facebook Live

Rev James Maciver gives further consideration to God's Question to Adam in Genesis 3:9, "Adam... Where are you?" in this morning worship service livestreamed from home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 12 July '...

Gaelic Service - Friday 10th July

Rev James Maciver has recorded a Gaelic worship service at home to be broadcast at 7.30pm on Friday 10th July. This will be available on our sermons page as well as Stornoway Free Church's Facebook and YouTube pages.


Service Details:
Readings: Psalm 122 and Ephesians 4 verses 1-16
Sermon: Psalm 122
Title: Aoibhneas ann an Ierusalem
Praise: Psalm 122 v 7-8 to the tune Free Church
Read more about 'Gaelic Service - Friday 10th July'...

Service Details - Sunday 5 July

11am Service: Facebook Livestream (Click here)

Rev James Maciver preaches on 'God's Questions (1) - "Adam...Where Are You?" from Genesis 3:9 in this morning worship service livestreamed from his home.


6.30pm Service: Facebook Premiere, YouTube Premiere, and on our sermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'Watching and Waiting' from Mark 13:37 in this evening worship service recorded at home.


Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 5 July'...

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