Archive: 1, 2021

Bulletin - Sunday 29th August

Wednesday 1st September 7.30pm
English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary, and on Zoom, led by Rev James Maciver
Zoom details of prayer meeting available from Mairianne at [email protected] or 704397.


Thursday 2nd September 7.30pm
Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary, led by Rev James Maciver. 

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Service Details - Sunday 29th August

11.00am English Service: Rev James Maciver will be preaching on Baptism in Relation to Making Disciples from Matthew 28:18-20 in the church and live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service: Rev R. J. Campbell will be preaching on Dia Mo Charraig from Psalm 61:1-2 in the Seminary and live on YouTube



6.30pm English Service: Rev James Maciver will be preaching on The Gospel Advanced Through Paul’s Imprisonment from Philippians 1:2-18 in the Church and live on YouTube

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 29th August'...

Philippians Study 2

Study 2 – Preached on Sunday 4th July 2021

GRACE AND PEACE – Philippians 1:1-2

Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Letters in Paul’s day (in Greek) would have a 3-word introduction – “sender to recipient, greetings”. Paul has similar, but “grace” rather than “greetings” - Why not refer to himself as an “apostle”? He was known by the Philippians - also his apostleship not challenged as at Corinth, so no need to stress his apostolic authority.

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Philippians Study 1

Study 1 – Preached on Sunday 20th June 2021


SERVANTS AND SAINTS – Philippians 1:1-2


Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


“Rabbi” Duncan said of two converts in Budapest! - "They used to read day after day the epistles of Paul, as if they had been letters that had come by that morning's post.”

That's challenging - reading the Bible with relish is hard to maintain! Paul's introductions always contains key topics opened later in the letters - Paul writing to this church from prison/likely to be Rome as in Acts 28 v16 - this makes it even more surprising that the letter is so full of joy!

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Bulletin - Sunday 22nd August

Wednesday 25th August 7.30pm
English Mission Meeting on Zoom, led by Rev Ruairidh Maclean, Area Director (Scotland) of UFM Worldwide, an interdenominational mission sending missionaries from the UK and Ireland to Africa, Asia, Asia Pacific, Europe, and South America. Please note there will be no in-person meeting in the Seminary that evening. We hope to have a Missionary meeting every 4-6 weeks. The next one is due on 22nd September, with Bill Ferguson of Asia Link.


Zoom details of meeting available from Mairianne at [email protected] or 704397.

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Service Details - Sunday 22nd August

11.00am English Service: Rev James Maciver in the Church and live on YouTube will preach on Gathering Together: Essential, not Optionalfrom Hebrews 10:24-25

11.00am Gaelic Service: Rev Donald A. Macdonald in the Seminary and live on YouTube will preach on Neach a b’Ionmhuinn Le Iosa from John 13:23


6.30pm English Service: Rev James Maciver in the Church and live on YouTube will preach on Gaining From Love from Philippians 1:10-11

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 22nd August'...

Click here to read about what's happening this week in the church and see some photos from recent weddings and a big birthday for Mary Macleod.

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Bulletin - Sunday 15th August

Tuesday 17th August 7.00pm
Kirk Session will meet on Zoom


Wednesday 18th August 7.30pm
English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary, Francis Street and on Zoom, led by Rev Kenneth Ferguson.  

Zoom details of English prayer meetings available from Mairianne at [email protected] or 704397.


Thursday 19thAugust 7.30pm
Gaelic Prayer Meeting in Seminary, led by Mr Joe Macphee.  Please note that it will not be on Zoom or livestreamed.

Read more about 'Bulletin - Sunday 15th August'...

Service Details - Sunday 15th August

11.00am English Service: Mr Donald M. Macleod in the Church and live on YouTube will be preaching on Our Good Shepherd from John 10:11-18


11.00am Gaelic Service: Rev James Maciver in the Seminary and live on YouTube will be preaching on Glòir Do Dhia Anns an Eaglais from Ephesians 3:20-21                                                      

6.30pm English Service:
 Rev James Maciver in the Church and live on YouTube will be preaching on Love Abounding from Philippians 1:9-11


Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 15th August'...

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