Archive: 1, 2017

Service Details - Sunday 27th August

11am English Communion Service (Church) Rev David Miller

Sermon Title: He Fills the Gap

11am Gaelic Communion (Seminary) Rev Ruairidh Maclean

Tiotal: Crìosd a' Tarraing Thuige Fhèin

6.30pm English Service (Church) Rev David Miller 

Sermon Title: Loved of God

6.30pm Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev Ruairidh Maclean

Tiotal: Sàsachadh gun Chosgais

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Notices - Sunday 27th August

Sunday 27th August

Youth Fellowship meets tonight in the Francis Street manse after the evening service. All young people S1+ most welcome, as well as students and young workers. Young people are invited to meet in the hall in order to walk up to the manse together. YF will finish around 9.30pm.

Monday 28th August

Communion Thanksgiving services are as follows:
11am Gaelic service in the Seminary – Rev Ruairidh Maclean

7.30pm English service in the Seminary – Rev David Macdonald

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Rotas - 27th August

Rotas This Week (27th August)
CRECHE Chrisell Macleod, Elaine Macmillan, Karen Mackay, Robbie Maciver, Annice Macleod
TWEENIES Liz Macleod, Kay Macleod, Dawn Campbell
TEAS Mary Campbell, Mairianne Campbell 

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Communion Weekend - August 2017

The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is due to be dispensed in the congregation on Sunday 27th August 2017, with the usual preliminary services daily from the previous Thursday. Details of the services are shown below.

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Boldness in using our access to God

At the Wednesday evening meeting, Rev. James MacIver preached on Hebrews 10: 19-25. He outlined the pattern of Hebrews which tends towards long sections of important theology, interspersed with shorter passages of exhortation, like this one.

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God (the Son) Learning Obedience

The sermon preached on the evening of Sunday 20th August was on Hebrews 5: 8 - 9 in which Rev James MacIver dealt with the topic of Christ's obedience.

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Testifying to Christ's Pierced Side

On Sunday morning, Rev. James MacIver preached on John 19:34, in which the author tells of what happened when the soldier pierced Christ’s side following His death on the cross.

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Rotas - 20 August

Rotas This Week
CRECHE Kate Macdonald, Mary Campbell, Mairianne Campbell, Kirsty Baird, Megan Macsween
TWEENIES Chrissanne Mackenzie, Elaine Poke, Naomi Mackay
TEAS Marten & Kathleen Walker

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Service Details - 20 August

11am English Service (Church) Rev James Maciver 

Sermon Title: Testifying to Christ’s Pierced Side

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev Kenneth I Macleod

6.30pm English Service (Church) Rev James Maciver 

Sermon Title: God (the Son) Learning Obedience

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Notices - Sunday 20 August

Monday 21st August
Deacons’ Court will meet in the Kenneth Street Session Room at 7.00pm
- All crèche volunteers, Tweenies leaders and helpers as well as Central Sunday School teachers are invited to a meeting on Monday 21st at 7.30pm in the upstairs hall to discuss the needs of their groups for the 2017-18 session.

Friday 25th August 
All are warmly welcome to the Congregational Fellowship after the evening preparatory services on Friday night, meeting for refreshments and a time of informal fellowship in the MA Hall after which we will hear from the visiting ministers, God willing.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 20 August'...

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