Archive: 1, 2022

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Notices - Sunday 27th February

Saturday 5th March 12.00pm-2.00pm  
Cancer Research are hosting a fundraising lunch in the M. A. Hall.  All are welcome. Covid guidelines will be adhered to.

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Service Details - Sunday 27th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev D. A. Macdonald who will be preaching on David's Conviction from Psalm 23:6 and live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will be preaching on Casaid a tha na Fìrinn Luachmhor from Lucas 15:2 and live on YouTube

6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Mr Scott Macleod who will be preaching on Beacons Do Not Belong in Buckets from Luke 11:33-36 and live on YouTube

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Notices - Sunday 20th February

Communion Details

As a result of the Covid situation we have had to introduce a number of changes relating to the communion, as set out in the points below.

  • As at present in our services, we will leave an empty pew at the communion table between those occupied and, except for family groups, we will ensure adequate space between communicants in each occupied pew.
  • The bread and the wine will be on the communion table from the beginning of the service, rather than after a “fencing” of the table as previously.
  • We will be using individual cups for the communion wine and the bread will be distributed to communicants in a way that ensures each individual communicant alone will have hand contact with the piece of bread they will use.
  • Immediately before the bread and wine are dispensed, the minister will specify how these will be distributed by the elders and received by communicants, and how the empty cups will be collected.

We rejoice in this renewed opportunity to remember the Lord’s death in the Supper, thanks be to God!  May He bless us through word and sacrament to His praise and glory.

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Service Details - Sunday 20th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on The Suffering Saviour from Isaiah 53:4-6 and live on YouTube

6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith who will preach on Could this be the Christ? from John 4:29 and live on YouTube

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Notices - Sunday 13th February

Communion Details

We are greatly looking forward, God willing,  to the communion next Lord’s Day, when the sacrament will be dispensed at the morning service.


The Kirk Session will be delighted to meet with anyone wishing to take communion for the first time at any of these meetings of Session. Those who wish to join the communicant membership and have a certificate or letter from their previous congregations, are also encouraged to meet the Session at any of the meetings so as to be welcomed by them.

As a result of the Covid situation we have had to introduce a number of changes relating to the communion, as set out in the points below.

  • To reduce personal contact to a minimum we will not be using communion tokens, so there will be no need for communicants to wait behind after the service on Saturday evening.
  • As at present in our services, we will leave an empty pew at the communion table between those occupied and, except for family groups, we will ensure adequate space between communicants in each occupied pew.
  • The bread and the wine will be on the communion table from the beginning of the service, rather than after a “fencing” of the table as previously.
  • We will be using individual cups for the communion wine and the bread will be distributed to communicants in a way that ensures each individual communicant alone will have hand contact with the piece of bread they will use.
  • Immediately before the bread and wine are dispensed, the minister will specify how these will be distributed by the elders and received by communicants, and how the empty cups will be collected.

We rejoice in this renewed opportunity to remember the Lord’s death in the Supper, thanks be to God! Its absence from our practice over the past two years has convinced us, more than ever before, of how much we need it as a channel of grace to our souls, along with the preached word. Our earnest prayer is that the Lord will be with us to bless us by word and sacrament to the praise of his glorious Name.

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Service Details - Sunday 13th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Kenneth I. Macleod who will preach on Jacob meets his Match from Genesis 32:27-28 and live on YouTube

11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on Cuireadh Iosa gu Co-chomann Ris from Dàn Sholamh 2: 14 and live on YouTube 

6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on Citizens of Heaven from Philippians 3:17-21 and live on YouTube 

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Notices - Sunday 6th February

2022 Subscriptions for the Monthly Record

Subscriptions are now due. For those who wish to continue receiving it should put £24.00 along with your name and address in an envelope clearly marked ‘The Record’.

If you would like to begin receiving regular copies, please put £24.00 along with your name and address in an envelope clearly marked ‘The Record – New Subscriber’. All envelopes should be placed in the collection plates at the church or Seminary.

If you are paying by cheque, please make it payable to Stornoway Free Church.

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Service Details - Sunday 6th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on No Shortcuts under God's Leadership from Exodus 13:17-18 and live on YouTube


11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Murdo Martin who will preach on Is Mise Iòseph  from Genesis 45:3-4 and live on YouTube


6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev D. A. Macdonald who will preach on Three Returnees from Ruth 1:7 and live on YouTube

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