Notices - Sunday 29th July
Monday 30th July
The Kirk Session will meet at 7pm in the Session Room, Kenneth Street.
Service Details - Sunday 29th July
11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Title: Father and Son- Same But Different
11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Tiotal: Dia a’ Lìonadh ar Soithichean Falamh
6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: The Cross (2) – The Cross as the Power and the Wisdom of God
Notices - Sunday 22nd July
The Record
The July/August edition is now available.
Free Church Youth Camps
Please pray for all the camps taking place over the summer:
· B.A.S.E Camp (Ages 19 - 23), Sat 11th - Sat 18th August
· Comrie Kids (Ages 10 - 12), Sat 7th - Sat 14th August
· Kincraig Girls (Ages 11 - 14), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Kincraig Kids (Ages 10 - 12), Sat 28th July - Sat 4th August
· Oswestry Junior 2 (Ages 11 - 15), Fri 13th July - Sat 21st July
· Oswestry Seniors (Ages 15 -18), Fri 13th - Sat 21st July
· Renfrew Juniors (Ages 9 -12), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Renfrew Seniors (Ages 16 - 18), Sat 28th July - Sat 4th Aug
· Junior Football (Ages 11 -14), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Skye Shinty (Ages 11 - 14), Fri 27th July - Sat 4th Aug
Service Details - Sunday 22nd July
11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Stepping out in Faith
11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Tiotal: The Danger of Looking Back
6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Glorying in the Cross
Bible Study - Wednesday 1st August
Wednesday 1st August
Wisdom from James
This Bible study is based on the Letter of James and is intended for group discussion after an initial talk by the minister. The questions set out in each session of the study are intended to stimulate discussion and need not be kept to rigidly but all the questions arise from what is written in this Letter.
Session 7
My Priority - “What I Need” or “What I Want”?
Notices - Sunday 15th July
The Record
The July edition is now available.
Free Breakfast @ The Free Church - Heb Celt Breakfast Outreach
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with the Heb Celt Breakfast outreach event. Please keep the outreach in your prayers and come along if you can on Sunday 22nd July for breakfast and to chat with visitors.
‘If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing well… What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.’ (James 2:8, 14–17, ESV)
GIGA - Fundraising Cafe
GIGA Fundraising Cafe
Any donations of baking will be welcome!
Service Details - Sunday 15th July
11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Title: Hannah- the Gracious, Praying Woman
11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Tiotal: “Shaor E Sinn”
6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: The God of All Grace and the True Grace of God
Notices - Sunday 8th of July
Hungary Bible Camp
Pray for Alasdair Macleod (Ally Garyvard) and the team of Scottish and Hungarian leaders teaching English at a Bible Camp in Hejce, Hungary from 7th-14th July. Pray for the young people that attend and their families. Pray for gospel seed to be sown that will bear lasting fruit to God’s glory.
Service Details - Sunday 8th of July
11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: He Saved Us
11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Mr. Joe Macphee
6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Looking out for the Lion