Archive: 1, 2023

Notices - Sunday 26th February

Statement issued by Communications Department of the Free Church of Scotland
As a nationwide denomination, the Free Church of Scotland is composed of people from all political persuasions, some of whom will not share Kate’s politics, particularly over an independent Scotland. Regardless of these differences, Kate is highly respected within the church as a skilful, hard-working and competent MSP.  Furthermore, she is consistent about what she believes, irrespective of the consequences, a quality which makes for an honest politician.

The issues raised by Kate Forbes’ intention to run as SNP leader have displayed a level of intolerance that we believe is uncharacteristic of the wider ordinary Scottish population, and indeed does not represent authentic Scottish identity which is historically grounded on hard work, common sense, respect, Biblical truthfulness and the family. It is lamentable that Kate’s honest adherence to simple traditional values would, for some, disqualify her from contributing to the public good of Scotland.  

The Free Church of Scotland is concerned at the level of anti-Christian intolerance which has been displayed on social media, and by some political and media commentators.  Kate Forbes is standing on the basis of her policies - the fact that she is being criticised for her Christian convictions shows a level of bigotry that has no place in a pluralistic and diverse society.

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Service Details - Sunday 26th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Kenneth I. Macleod

Who will preach on ‘The Question you have to Answer’ from Matthew 27:22 - Live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)


11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on A Labhairt Facal Dhè le Dànachd from Gnìomharan nan Abstol 4: 23-31- Live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)


6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on ‘Hated for Speaking the Truth’ from 1 Kings 22:8 Live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 26th February'...

Notices - Sunday 19th February

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
The Free Church of Scotland, through its Disaster and Relief Fund, has already sent £2,500 to Tearfund and £2,500 to Open Doors, to support the work being done to alleviate the suffering of those significantly impacted by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

As a church, we bring all those affected before the Lord in prayer and we are grateful to all the local organisations who are offering support.

The Mission Board want to encourage congregations to continue to pray for these countries which are in such desperate need, and to ask for God’s protection and comfort for all those who are affected, whether injured, traumatised or grieving. 

You can donate directly to help the people of Turkey and Syria via the following website:

You can also put your donation in an envelope marked 'Earthquake Appeal' in the collection plates at the church or Seminary. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Stornoway Free Church’.

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Service Details - Sunday 19th February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Iain Macritchie who will preach on Access all Areas from Hebrews 10:19-20 Live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)


11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev Kenneth Ferguson who will preach on Dùisg, O Chlaidheamh from Sechariah 13:7 - Live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)


6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Iain Macritchie who will preach on Unlikely Faith from Hebrews 11:31- Live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 19th February'...

English Service Details - Saturday 18th February 2023

7.00pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Iain Macritchie

and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Read more about 'English Service Details - Saturday 18th February 2023'...

Service Details - Friday 17th February 2023

English Service in Kenneth Street Church conducted by Rev Iain Macritchie

and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)

Read more about 'Service Details - Friday 17th February 2023'...

Earthquake Appeal

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

The Free Church of Scotland, through its Disaster and Relief Fund, has already sent £2,500 to Tearfund and £2,500 to Open Doors, to support the work being done to alleviate the suffering of those significantly impacted by the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

As a church, we bring all those affected before the Lord in prayer, and we are grateful to all the local organisations who are offering support of different kinds.

The Mission Board want to encourage congregations throughout Scotland to continue to pray for these countries which are in such desperate need, and to ask for God’s protection and comfort for all those who are affected, whether injured, traumatised or grieving. 

You can donate directly to help the people of Turkey and Syria via the following website:

You can also put your donation in an envelope marked 'Earthquake Appeal' in the collection plates at the church or Seminary. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to Stornoway Free Church’.


Read more about 'Earthquake Appeal'...

Notices - Sunday 12th February

Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank
Many thanks to those who have already contributed to the Baby Bank. This will be an ongoing collection where baby items such as nappies, wipes, formula, and adult toiletries will always be gratefully received.

At present they are short of pyjamas for children aged 5-10 years (new or in good clean condition).

Donations can be placed inside the door of the M.A. Hall.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 12th February'...

Service Details - Sunday 12 February

11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver who will preach on Let your Light Sine from Matthew 5:16 Live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)



11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Murdo Martin who will preach on Cùirtean Dhè, Gleann Baca agus Sion  from Salm 84:2/4/6 - Live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)



6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith who will preach on The Hope of Christ in You from Colossians 1:27 Live on YouTube

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 12 February'...

Stornoway Free Church - February 2023 Communion Schedule

The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed in the congregation at the morning services on Sunday 19th February, DV.

All those who would like to take communion for the first time are encouraged to meet with the elders at any of the Kirk Session’s meetings, following the services on Friday and Saturday.

The Session will also be pleased to welcome any who have a certificate from another congregation. Details will be intimated on each occasion.


An elder will remain with those worshipping in the Session Room on Sunday Morning to dispense Communion.

Our earnest prayer is that God will bless this time of communion services, strengthening, encouraging and renewing us by his power.

Jesus said, “Do this, in remembrance of me.”

Read more about 'Stornoway Free Church - February 2023 Communion Schedule'...

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