Shaun Libby

Posts by Shaun Libby for News & Updates:

Notices - Sunday 22nd April

Election of Office-Bearers
The Kirk Session has appointed the ordination andadmission of the new elders and deacons to take place on Sunday 29th April at the morning service, and to allow the congregation to be together there will be no Gaelic service that morning. A formal Edict is required ahead of ordinations and this will be read from the pulpit at all the services today.

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Service Details - Sunday 22nd April

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Text: Romans 8: 28-29
Sermon Title: All Things Work Together For Good

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Ceann Teagasg: Marc 2: 1-12
Tiotal: Ùghdarras Chrìosd Peacaidhean a Mhaitheadh

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 3: 15-16
Sermon Title: Study 18, First Peter – Apologists for Christ

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Rotas - Sunday 22nd April

Rotas This Week
CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie
TWEENIES Liz, Annice, Elizabeth, Joanna
TEAS Kathetta and Murdo

Rotas Next Week
CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel
TWEENIES ChrissAnne, Naomi, Karen, Sandra
TEAS Maighread and Dawn

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Notices - Sunday 15th April

Sunday 15th April
The Congregational Fellowship will meet in the hall after the evening service and all are welcome. Angus Mackay (Corran Media) will share his testimony and his experience of being a Christian working in the media.

Tuesday 17th April
Basic Christianity discussion group will meet from 7:30-9pm in the Upper Hall. All welcome.

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Service Details - Sunday 15th April

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Left Outside Forever

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Tiotal: All Things Work Together for Good


6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 17, First Peter – Beautiful Wives and Understanding Husbands

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Rotas - Sunday 15th April

Rotas This Week
CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen
TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Lauren
TEAS Mary and Mairianne


Rotas Next Week
CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie
TWEENIES Liz, Annice, Elizabeth, Joanna
TEAS Kathetta and Murdo

Read more about 'Rotas - Sunday 15th April'...

Notices - Sunday 8th April

Monday 9 th April
Deacons’ Court meets at 7pm in the Session Room, Kenneth St

Tuesday 10th April
Basic Christianity discussion group will meet from 7:30-9pm in the Upper Hall. If you want to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us in a relaxed and informal setting where we can consider some of life’s important questions. If you have not previously attended, why not come along and try it out? There is no weekly commitment expected, and you can just sit and listen to the discussion if that is your preference.

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Rota - 8th April

Rotas This Week
CRECHE Kate, Mary, Mairianne
TWEENIES Alison, Karen, Naomi, Shona Macleod
TEAS Ann and Donald A


Rotas Next Week
CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen
TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Lauren 
TEAS Mary and Mairianne

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Service Details - 8th April

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod
Sermon Title: Blind Belshazzar and Seeing Bartimaeus


6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 16, First Peter – Christ our Sin-Bearer


11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Tiotal: Toradh an Fhìonain

No Sunday Schools today.

Read more about 'Service Details - 8th April'...

Election of Office Bearers

The Kirk Session has appointed the ordination and admission of the new elders and deacons to take place on Sunday 29th April at the morning service, and to allow the congregation to be together there will be no Gaelic service that morning. A formal Edict is required ahead of ordinations and this will be read from the pulpit at all the services on 15th and 22nd April.

Read more about 'Election of Office Bearers'...

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