Shaun Libby

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Service Details - Sunday 25th February 2018

11am English Service (Church)

Rev Kenneth Ferguson


11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)

Rev James Maciver

Sailm: Salm 72: 1-5, Salm 23: 1-3, Salm 85: 7-8

Leughadh: Eòin 14: 12-21

Ceann Teagasg: Eòin 14: 27

Tiotal: Sìth Chrìosd


6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev James Maciver


Psalm 135: 1-6 (Scottish Psalter) p425

Psalm 139(a): 1-11 (Sing Psalms) p180

Psalm 101: 1-4 (Scottish Psalter) p363

Psalm 119: 113-120 (Sing Psalms) p164

Reading: Colossians 3: 1-17

Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2: 11-12

Sermon Title: Study 14, First Peter- Abstinence and Attraction


Services next week:

11am English Service(Church): Rev James Maciver

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary): Mr Joe Macphee

6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev James Maciver



Midweek Meetings: All at 7.30pm in the Seminary

Wednesday – English - Rev James Maciver

Thursday – Gaelic - Mr Ian Macrae

Saturday – English



Children and youth groups

Parent & Toddler meets on Tuesday (1.00–3.00pm) and Thursday (9.45-11.45am)

Campaigners: C Club (6-7pm) and Crosstrax (7-8.30pm) on Monday in the hall

Kidz Zone meets at 6.15-7.30pm on Thursday in the hall

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Notices - Sunday 25th February 2018

Tuesday 27th Feb


Basic Christianity discussion group will meet from 7:30-9pm in the MA Hall. If you want to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us in a relaxed and informal setting where we can consider some of life’s important questions. If you have not previously attended, why not come along and try it out?  There is no weekly commitment expected, and you can just sit and listen to the discussion if that is your preference.


The Craft Group will meet in the hall from 7:30pm

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Rotas - Sunday 25th February 2018

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie

TWEENIES Liz, Karen, Donna Mackinnon

TEAS Kathleen and Marten

Rotas Next Week

CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel

TWEENIES Alison, Naomi, Liz

TEAS Chrisell and Ian

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Service Details - Sunday 18th February 2018

Services on Sunday:

11am English Communion Service (Church):  Rev David Campbell

11am Gaelic Communion Service (Seminary): Rev Calum I Macleod


6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev David Campbell

6.30pm Gaelic Service (Seminary): Rev Calum I Macleod

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Notices - Sunday 18th February 2018

Sunday 18th Feb

-Youth Fellowship will meet, after the evening’s service, in the Constable Road manse and all young people are most welcome.


Monday 19th Feb

-Morning prayer meeting: 8am- Session Room, Kenneth Street

-Thanksgiving Services in the Seminary: 11am Gaelic – Rev Calum I Macleod and 7.30pm English – Rev David Campbell

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Rotas - Sunday 18th February 2018

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Chrisell, Elaine, Karen

TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Annice

TEAS Kate and Dena

Rotas Next Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie

TWEENIES Liz, Karen, Donna Mackinnon

TEAS Kathleen and Marten

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