Notices - Sunday 29th October
Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Fiona, Catherine, Ruby and Allison Maciver.
Volunteers 5th November: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.
Tweenies: 11.00am in the hall for children aged 3-5.
Volunteers today: Liz, Evelyn and Lydia.
Volunteers 5th November: ChrissAnne, Donna and Kay.
Sunday School and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.
Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and Coffee will be served by Christine and Ann.
Youth Fellowship meets tonight immediately after the evening service at the Constable Road Manse.
The topic is ‘Endurance Through Tough Times.’
Rev Calum M. Smith will be on Annual Leave until Wednesday 1st November.
Monday 30th October from 1.00pm till 3.00pm - Toddler Group meets in the M.A. Hall.
Monday 30th October at 7.00pm – Kirk Session meets in Kenneth Street Session room.
Tuesday 31st October at 7.30pm – Craft group meets in the M.A. Hall. All ladies welcome.
Wednesday 1st November at 7.30pm – Bible Study in the M.A. Hall led by Rev James Maciver. We will be continuing with the topic ‘Six Steps to Loving Your Church.’ There are additional copies of the study book available at the church entrance.
Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Mr Murdo Martin.
Thursday 2nd November - Explorers meet in the M.A. Hall.
6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1 - P3
7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7
Saturday 4th November at 11.00am – Ladies Walking Group meet at the Castle Museum Car Park.
Saturday 28th October at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.
Services next Lord’s Day – 5th November
English Service at 11.00am (Church) – Rev James Maciver
Gaelic Service at 11.00am (Seminary) – Rev Donald A. Macdonald
English Service at 6.30pm (Church) – Rev Calum M. Smith
There will be a congregational fellowship in the M.A. Hall following the evening service.
Christianity Explored
We all have questions about Christianity. You are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings where, in following the Christianity Explored resources, some of these questions could be answered.
We will meet in the M A Hall on Kenneth St 7:30 to 8:30 for 5 consecutive Tuesdays starting on 7 November. This is a relaxed and informal setting suitable for everyone. No prior knowledge of the Christian faith is required.
If you know someone who could benefit from these discussions, please bring them along. All will be most welcome.
You can contact Roddy (07900 807375) or Cala (07818 076163) if you have any questions meantime.
We were sorry to hear that Effie Macleod, Garden Road had passed away. We extend our condolences and prayerful remembrance to her brother John and his wife Mary, to her brother Calum Iain and his wife Mary Ann, and also to all the close cousins and friends.
May the Lord comfort them at this time of loss.
Presbytery Youth camp 2023!
If you are in S3-S6, come and join us at Scaladale 24th – 27th November for fun, with some activities thrown in.
The cost is £40.00 per person.
To find out more and book a place, click the link below, or scan the QR code opposite, and complete the booking form.