Notices - Sunday 29th October
Presbytery Youth camp 2023!
If you are in S3-S6, come and join us at Scaladale 24th – 27th November for fun, with some activities thrown in.
The cost is £40.00 per person.
To find out more and book a place, click the link below, or scan the QR code opposite, and complete the booking form.
Service Details - Sunday 29th October
11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Sermon Text: Colossians 3: 16
Sermon Title: The Gathered Church (5) – Gathered for Praise
11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Macdonald and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)
Searmon: 2 Thimoteuis 4: 10
Tiotal: Duine a Theich as a Chath
6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Sermon Text: Ephesians 4: 15-16
Sermon Title: The Gathered Church (6) – Gathered for Growth