Service Details - Sunday 8th December
11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Alasdair Macaulay and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 139(a): 1-10 – Sing Psalms (p180)
Prayer, Children’s Address, Lord’s Prayer
Praise: Psalm 146: 5-10 – Scottish Psalter (p446)
Reading: Ruth 1
Praise: Psalm 55: 1-8 – Sing Psalms (p71)
Sermon Text: Ruth 1: 21 – The Lord has brought me back empty
Sermon Title: Emptiness
Praise: Psalm 126: 1-6 – Scottish Psalter (p419
Gaelic Service 11.00am in Seminary
conducted by Rev Callum Macleod
and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)
Òrdugh an Seirbhis
Moladh: Salm 36: 7-9
Leughadh: Eòin 1: 1-18
Moladh: Salm 57: 8-11
Searmon: Eòin 1: 14-16
Tiotal: Teachd Iosa Crìosd agus Ceanglaichean Gràis
Moladh: Salm 87: 6-7
Am Beannachadh
6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Alasdair Macaulay and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 87: 1-7 – Sing Psalms (p115)
Praise: Psalm 37: 23-28 – Scottish Psalter (p254)
Reading: Romans 9
Praise: Psalm 40: 1-5b – Scottish Psalter (p259)
Sermon Text: Romans 9: 11 – In order that God’s purpose of election might continue.
Sermon Title: Chosen?
Praise: Psalm 130: 1-8 – Scottish Psalter (p421)