Service Details - Sunday 21st November
11.00am English Service: Rev Kenneth I. Macleod in the Church and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Psalm 110: 1-4 – Sing Psalms (p149)
Children’s Address and Lord’s Prayer
Reading: Hebrews 7
Sermon Text: Hebrews 7: 23-27
Sermon Title: Never Stops Saving
Psalm 68: 18-20 – Scottish Psalter (p165)
11.00am Gaelic Service: Rev James Maciver in the Seminary and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)
Order of Service
Salm 106: 1-3
Reading: Judges 2: 1-23
Sermon Text: Judges 2: 10
Sermon Title: Ginealach Do na b’aithne an Tighearna
Salm 106: 43-45a
6.30pm English Service: Rev James Maciver in the Church and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Psalm 69: 30-36 – Scottish Psalter (p308)
Reading: Colossians 4:1-18 (p1185)
Sermon Text: Philippians 2: 19-30 (p1180)
Sermon Title: Two Outstanding Christians
Psalm 119: 161-168 – Sing Psalms (p167)