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Service Details - Sunday 1st July

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Robert Sinclair
Psalm 95: 1-6 (Scottish Psalter) p357
Psalm 8: 1-5 (Scottish Psalter) p207
Psalm 40: 5-9 (Scottish Psalter) p259
Psalm 150(b): (Sing Psalms) p196
Reading: Matthew 27
Sermon Text: Matthew 27: 36
Sermon Title: And Sitting Down They Watched Him There  
11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev James Maciver
Salm 68: 4-6, Salm 68: 7-10, Salm 68: 21-22
Leughadh:  Àireamh (Numbers) 23: 13-30
Ceann Teagasg:  Àireamh (Numbers) 23: 18-24
Tiotal: Facal agus Làthaireachd Dhè

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Psalm 135: 1-7 (Sing Psalms) p176
Psalm 125 (whole) (Scottish Psalter) p419
Psalm 119: 33-40 (Sing Psalms) p159
Psalm 133 (whole) (Scottish Psalter) p424
Reading: Titus 1
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 5: 1-5
Sermon Title: Study 24, First Peter – Exhorting the “Elders” and the “Younger”
