News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 4th September

Everyone is welcome to a time of fellowship in the M. A. Hall following the morning service. Murdo and ChrissAnne will be serving today.

Creche: 11.00am in upper hall for children up to age 2.
Volunteers today: Fiona, Catherine, Ruby, Alison.
Volunteers 11th September: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie, Tina.


Tweenies: 11.00am in the main hall for pre-school children aged 3-5.
Volunteers today: Liz, Johan, Christina, Joni.
Volunteers 11th September: ChrissAnne, Anna.


Sunday School and Bible Class: 11.00 in M.A. Hall for children in P1-S2.


Youth Fellowship meets in M. A. Hall tonight at 7.45pm-9.15pm.             
All young people of Secondary age are warmly encouraged to come along.  We will have pizza and refreshments before hearing from Rev Calum Murdo Smith and his wife Johan about the life of faith. Come along and bring a friend.


Monday 5th September 1.00pm-3.00pm – Toddler Group in M.A. Hall for all children under school age. We need more volunteers. If you would like to help in the kitchen or the hall, please get in touch with Mary Campbell.


Monday 5th September 7.30pmMonthly Prayer Meeting on Zoom.


Tuesday 6th September 11.00amPrayer link with Muriel in Cambodia.

Tuesday 6th September 7.30pm
Stornoway WfM AGM in the M.A. Hall. There will also be an opportunity to meet Mrs Johan Smith who has agreed to take part in a short interview.  


Wednesday 7th September 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary and on Zoom led by Rev James Maciver.    

Thursday 8th September 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Mr Murdo Martin.

Saturday 10th September 7.30pm - English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.

Services next Sunday – 11th September                                                        
11.00am - English Service (Church) Rev Calum M. Smith                     
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev James Maciver                          
6.30pm – English Service  (Church) Rev James Maciver                                               


55+ Fellowship
After a break of over two years we hope to restart the 55+ Fellowship again beginning on Friday 16th September at 2.30 - 4.00pm in the M.A. Hall.

Our guests that day will be Rev Calum Murdo Smith, our new assistant minister, and his wife Johan.  The singing will be led by another well-known ‘Siarach’, Dan Macphail.

With COVID now under control, we hope to provide a safe environment where we can enjoy fellowship again.  Anyone aged 55 and over will be made very welcome at our gatherings which will follow the usual format.  New faces will be made particularly welcome.

Unfortunately we will not be able to provide a minibus to take people there and back, but anyone wishing transport should contact Duncan Norman on 860 418 or 07787 973802 and every effort will be made to assist.


Big Free Youth Rally
The Big Free Rally is set to take place on Saturday 1st October at Smithton Free Church in Inverness from 11.00 - 15.00.

The event, which is open to everyone in P5 to S6, is a chance for young people to reunite with friends made at camp, although you don’t need to have been to camp to come to the Rally.

The title for the rally is Being Real and Rev Ben Fiddian will speak on the theme of integrity.

Our hosts for the day are Sheona Forbes and Euan Macdonald. Games, talks, a quiz, prayer and praise will take place throughout the day.

To book, go to:


Providence Christian School Light Lunch

There will be a light lunch and baking stall at the M. A. Macleod Memorial Hall in Stornoway on Saturday 10th September from 12.00pm-2.00pm in aid of Providence Christian School. All are welcome and encouraged to come along.


The Hole in Our Holiness Read Group                                                       
An 8 week reading group on discipleship for men will begin on Tuesday September 20th, 2022.  The group will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 8pm – 9pm on Zoom and will meet for 4 weeks, then a 2 week break for the October holidays, then resuming for another 4 weeks in November.  Each week the group will read and discuss a section from The Hole in Our Holiness, by Kevin DeYoung.  The group is open to men of any age, experience or location and all are welcome.

To sign up, or for more information, contact:

Thomas Davis:

Andy Cumming:

Phil Pickett:


Legal and Compliance Officer – Free Church of Scotland Central Office Team

The Free Church of Scotland is looking for an enthusiastic and capable person to serve as a Legal & Compliance Officer in the Central Office staff team.

The Legal and Compliance Officer will help monitor legislative and regulatory developments in areas affecting the Church; provide advice and guidance to the central organisation and to congregations; draft policies for the denomination and encourage legal compliance; and instruct solicitors and advise congregations in relation to property transactions.

More information, a full job description and an application form can be obtained from the Free Church website or by emailing Fiona MacKenzie (
