Notices - Sunday 30th April
Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Elaine, Christine Smith, Chris and Annmarie.
Volunteers 7th May: Christine Ann, Maighread and Donna Mackinnon.
Holiday Tweenies: 11.00am in the main hall for children aged 3-7.
Volunteers today: Liz, Angela, Aileen and Kirsty.
Volunteers 7th May: ChrissAnne, Donna, Christina and Joni.
No Sunday School and Bible Class today due to school holiday.
Everyone is welcome to a time of fellowship in the M. A. Hall following the morning service
D.R. and Diana will be serving today.
Monday Toddler Group is off this week due to school holiday.
Monday 1st May 7.30pm – Monthly Prayer Meeting on Zoom.
Tuesday 2nd May 11.00am – Prayer and Update with Muriel on Zoom.
Tuesday 2nd May 7.30pm – Hope, Peace & Purpose meeting in M.A. Hall.
Find out how the Prodigal found Hope, Peace and Purpose in Tim Keller’s study in his book, the Prodigal God. It can be hard for us to understand the relationship between God and man. A brief study of this book by Tim Keller helps paint this picture using Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.
Please come and join us to consider the true meaning of “prodigal” and how it relates to our lives over 4 evenings in the M A Hall on Kenneth St. The programme will be run on Tuesday evenings from 2 May. Each session will start at 7:30pm and finish at 8:30pm.
The meetings will be held in an informal and relaxed environment and suitable for all who are looking for the hope, peace and purpose that is offered in the Christian life.
There is no need to book, just turn up and bring some friends if you can.
If you wish to find out more, please feel free to speak to Cala (07818076163) or Roddy (07900807375)
Wednesday 3rd May 7.30pm – Slavic Gospel Association - Mission Meeting in the M.A. Hall. A representative from SGA will give an update on their gospel work in the Slavic nations. A special collection will be taken at the meeting for the work of SGA.
Thursday 4th May 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Rev James Maciver.
Thursday 4th May – Explorers in M.A. Hall:
6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1- P3
7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7
Friday 5th May 7.00pm – Open Meeting Regarding ‘Warm Spaces’
Following on from the success of the ‘Warm Spaces’ initiative over the winter months, where we welcomed young and old from our own congregation and across our community, we are hoping to develop this work further by hosting a regular pop-in café.
From May 12th, the M.A. Hall will be open on a Friday every fortnight from 12.00pm until 3.00pm, where soup, tea and coffee will be available at no charge.
We want to encourage all to come along and feel at home with us, as we try to show the love of Jesus to those we live and work amongst. We would also really like our own folk to feel part of, and become involved in this important work, making meaningful connections with one another and across our town and community.
Please come along to a short meeting on Friday 5th May at 7.00pm in the M.A. Hall to learn more and get involved. If you are unable to attend the meeting but wish to get involved, please contact Elaine on 07876 225120.
Saturday 6th May 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in Seminary.
Ladies Walking Group will NOT meet on Saturday 6th May, due to the Coronation of King Charles III.
The group will meet on 13th May instead.
Services next Sunday 7th May
11.00am – English Service (Church) Rev Calum M. Smith.
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev James Maciver.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) Rev James Maciver.
Sunday School Snippet
Today there was an Explorers service in our church. Explorers and Sunday School came together and went to listen to a family service lead by Calum Murdo. We learnt what LOVE means and the way GOD showed his love by giving his only son to the world. Calum Murdo read out John 3:16.
We learnt that you’re unable to measure God’s love and when we believe we are secure with God.
Caitlin & Molly P7
Free Church Youth Camps 2023
This year our congregation has been linked up with Kincraig Juniors which takes place from 8th to 15th July.
Please pray for the leaders as they organise and plan their travel, activities, talks, praise etc. Pray also for the campers that the Lord will prepare the soil of their hearts for the sowing of His seed.
We remember the wider work of FCYC and pray that God would bless this work to all who attend.
WfM Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be in Bon Accord Free Church, Aberdeen on Saturday 20th May.
The meeting will also be livestreamed with the link available on the WfM website.
Moldova Support Group
We are running a residential camp again this summer for the teenagers in Moldova. Through the pandemic, economic hardship, and the war in Ukraine, the Lord continues to bless our Gospel Ministry in Nisporeni. So our friends in the local church will run the camp themselves this year with funding from Moldova Support Group.
We are hosting a soup and pudding lunch in the M.A. Hall on Saturday 13th May to raise funds. If anyone would like to donate, soup, puddings or help on the day please get in touch with Dawn Campbell on 07384 270455.
Reminder - WfM Annual June Event.
Booking forms are now available. Anyone wishing to attend this popular event please contact Donna Maciver on 07810 386774 or email [email protected].
Bethany Christian Trust
An invitation is extended to all male parents and guardians to attend a toddler group at ‘The Shed’ beside Martin’s Memorial Church Hall on the first Saturday morning of each month, the next one being 6th May from 10.00am till 12.00pm.
You would be made very welcome, and there’s an added bonus of a bacon roll!
Thank you From Providence Christian School
Providence Christian School wish to thank the congregation for their support at the recent light lunch, Special thanks to those who helped on the day. The sum of£1255.00 was raised.