Notices - Sunday 29th December
Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.
Volunteers 5th January: Elaine, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.
Holiday Tweenies in the main hall for children aged 3 to Pr1 and Pr2.
Volunteers today: Chrissanne, Alison and Marissa.
Volunteers 5th January: Elizabeth, Evelyn and Aileen.
Everyone is welcome to the M A Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and coffee will be served.
Wednesday 1st January at 12.00 midday – New Year’s Day Service in the church conducted by Rev Calum M Smith and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church).
A special collection will be taken at the service for the congregation’s Benevolent Fund.
Please note there will be no prayer meeting on Wednesday evening.
Thursday 2nd January at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Mr Murdo Martin.
Friday 3rd January from 12.00pm until 3.00pm – Fridays at The Free.
The M A Hall will be open for soups, teas and coffees to give people an opportunity to meet with friends.
There will be a kids play area available as well as items from ‘Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank free of charge.
Anyone needing transport please call Calum on 07717 495424.
Saturday 4th January at 11.00am – Ladies Walking Group
Meet at the Castle Museum car park.
Saturday 4th January at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.
Lord’s Day 5th January at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.
Please Note: Please contact Elizabeth Ferguson or Lizzie for the new Zoom login code for this meeting.
Services next Lord’s Day – 5th January.
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Murdo Martin.
11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M Smith.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Kenneth I Macleod.
We were very sorry to hear of the passing of Murdo Donald Macleod (Murdigan), Seaview Terrace, on Monday 23rd December.
We remember all the family at this time, especially his son Callum with his wife Elaine, Iain with his partner Sharon, Murdo with his wife Wilma and his daughter Alison with her husband Norman. We also remember the grandchildren and great grandchildren as well as his sisters Alice and Jessie Anne and the wider family and friends.
55+ Fellowship
The first meeting of the 55+ Fellowship in 2025 will be held on Friday 10th January from 2.30pm until 4.00pm in the M.A. Hall. What better way to start the year than with a “Ceilidh” with Murdie “Parkend” Macleod. Murdie and Duncan Norman will entertain those who come with a Question and Answer session covering Murdie’s Christian life. The singing will be led by Kenny Macdonald from Back.
Please come along and blow away the Festive Season cobwebs along with the over 55s.
Duncan Norman
On behalf of the 55+ Fellowship Committee