News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 22nd July

The Record
The July/August edition is now available.

Free Church Youth Camps
Please pray for all the camps taking place over the summer:

· B.A.S.E Camp (Ages 19 - 23), Sat 11th - Sat 18th August
· Comrie Kids (Ages 10 - 12), Sat 7th - Sat 14th August
· Kincraig Girls (Ages 11 - 14), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Kincraig Kids (Ages 10 - 12), Sat 28th July - Sat 4th August
· Oswestry Junior 2 (Ages 11 - 15), Fri 13th July - Sat 21st July
· Oswestry Seniors (Ages 15 -18), Fri 13th - Sat 21st July
· Renfrew Juniors (Ages 9 -12), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Renfrew Seniors (Ages 16 - 18), Sat 28th July - Sat 4th Aug
· Junior Football (Ages 11 -14), Sat 14th - Sat 21st July
· Skye Shinty (Ages 11 - 14), Fri 27th July - Sat 4th Aug

Church Office
The Church office will be closed from Monday 16th to Friday 27th July as Mairianne (Youth and Secretarial Assistant) is leading at camp (Oswestry Junior 2) and is then on holiday. Please pass any items for the bulletin to Lorraine Shewan at [email protected] and any items for the website to Shaun Libby at [email protected]


Friday 27th July
Outdoor Ecumenical Revival Service

A special bilingual Outdoor Ecumenical Revival Service will be held on Baile na Cille Glebe, Uig, the site of the Great Lewis Revival of the 1820’s, at 7pm on Friday 27th July 2018.

Representatives from different denominations will participate in the service and Rev James MacIver, Minister, Stornoway Free Church will preach.

Tea/coffee, sandwiches and baking will be available at the informal All-Age Fellowship held in Uig Community Hall immediately after the Service. There will be limited seating available and help for those who may have mobility challenges. Everyone is invited to come along.

“In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it
known; in wrath remember mercy.”, Hab. 3:2

Monday 30th July
The Kirk Session will meet at 7pm in the Session Room, Kenneth
