News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 1st September

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Mairianne, Catherine, Ruby and Alison.
Volunteers 8th September: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.                               

Tweenies in the main hall for children aged 3-5.
Volunteers today: Johan, Anna and Joni.
Volunteers 8th September: ChrissAnne, Angela and Eilidh.


Tweenies, Sunday School, and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.


Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and coffee will be served by Mary and Elaine.

Monday 2nd September at 7.00pm – Monthly Prayer Meeting on Zoom. The Zoom details are the same as for the midweek meeting.

Tuesday 3rd September at 11.00am – Prayer and Update with Muriel.

Wednesday 4th September at 7.30pm
– Bible Study in the M.A. Hall led by Rev Calum M. Smith.
We will continue with our study ‘Six Steps To Talking About Jesus’.


Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Rev Donald A. Macdonald.


Thursday 5th September – Explorers meet in M.A. Hall:
6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1- P3 and 7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7

Thursday 5th September from 7.15pm to 8.15pm – Exploring Life’s Big Questions at the M. A. Hall.


Friday 6th September from 12.00pm to 3.00pm – Fridays at The Free.
The M.A. Hall will be open for soups, teas, and coffees to give people an opportunity to meet with friends. There will be a kids play area available as well as items from ‘Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank free of charge.

Anyone needing transport please call Calum on 07717 495424.

Note: Fridays at The Free will now be on the first and third Fridays of each month.


Saturday 7th September at 11.00am – Ladies Walking Group
Meet at the Castle Museum car park.


Saturday 7th September at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.


Services next Lord’s Day – 8th September
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Macdonald.
11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Gordon Matheson.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith.


Sunday School Registration:

Please Note: Completion of this form is required each year to ensure

that the details we hold are up to date.
As Sunday School has now started again, parents who have children attending Sunday school should scan the QR code, which will take you directly to the registration form to complete and submit it.

Alternatively, you can contact Ian Murdo Macleod, and he will help you through the registration process.

Ian's contact details are:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07887 722269


Explorers starts back!
Explorers will begin again on Thursday 5th September:
6.00-7.00pm for P1-P3 and 7.00-8.15pm for P4-P7.

Both groups meet in the M.A. Hall. The P1-P3 group is now full and spaces for the P4-P7 group are limited, so please register your child in advance using the QR code. This will take you to the appropriate online registration form.

We are thankful to be able to offer these groups once again this year. We do not take the hard work of the volunteers for granted! A big thank you to them and for the congregation’s support.

We are most thankful to God for his provision and blessing.


Psalm 97:11–12:

 [11] Light is sown for the righteous,

         and joy for the upright in heart.       

 [12] Rejoice in the LORD, O you  righteous,

         and give thanks to his holy name! (ESV)

Vacancy related matters
At its meeting on Monday 26th August, the Kirk Session discussed the feedback received regarding the composition of the Vacancy Committee which was appointed on 15th July.  While the committee was appointed in line with the practice followed in previous vacancies, the Kirk Session accepts that the appointment of the Vacancy Committee should be made at a congregational meeting. 

In anticipation of the Sustentation Fund Schedule being approved and the Development Plan being available, the Kirk Session has agreed that a congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 7.30 p.m.  At this meeting, the Sustentation Fund Schedule will be presented for approval and a Vacancy Committee will be appointed. 

As Elders, we are committed to securing the full scope of congregational interest in filling the vacancy.  We encourage everyone to make it a matter of earnest prayer as we move forward with the process in the long-term interests of the gospel. 


Exploring Life’s Big Questions
Everyone has questions in life, for example, ‘Is God real?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’, ‘What about suffering?’. Where do we go for answers?

We are resuming  ‘Exploring Life’s Big Questions’ this Thursday 5th September. It is an opportunity to discuss these and many other questions in a relaxed and informal setting. We will meet each Thursday from 7.15pm to 8.15pm at the M. A. Hall. The first study will be called ‘Hope Explored’ which covers 3 weeks. You are very welcome to come along. Please do invite others, even if you won’t be attending yourself, and use the leaflets as a way of spreading the word.


55+ Fellowship
The 55+ Fellowship will restart its meetings on Friday 13th September at 2.30pm in the MA Hall.  Please note that we now meet on the second Friday of the month. On that day we hope to have Allan Mackenzie (Free Church Continuing) with us as our guest speaker and Ali “Moley” Macleod to lead the singing.

For those of you who have not managed to attend our meetings yet, it would be a great pleasure to see you coming along - you will be made most welcome.  Please come and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship. Those of you who are regular attenders, please continue to come along and bring a friend with you.

If you need transport to and from the meeting, please contact Duncan on one of the following numbers: 01851 860 418: or 07787973802

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” Romans 8:28


Precept Scotland – Bible Study Training 6th – 7th September
Nigel Watts, national Director for Precept Scotland) will be returning to the island to deliver further inductive bible study training.

So often we can go through the motions with our quiet times, these sessions provide tools which anyone can use which facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of God's word leading you to know God deeply and live differently.


Adults and Older Teens
Saturday 7th September - 09:30-12:30 (Registration 9.15am)
Venue: County Hotel, Stornoway
Bring: A Bible and 4 different coloured pencils
Cost: £10.00 (payable on the day) - tea and coffee will be provided
To register: Email [email protected] or call 07415 847869


Bible Training for Teens
Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September – 7.30pm-9.00pm.
Bring: A Bible
Cost: £10 to cover both sessions (payable on the day)
To register: Email: [email protected] or call 07415 847869


Kinloch Free Church – Communion Schedule

Thursday 5th September



Rev Iain Thomson

There will be a fellowship at the manse after this service

Friday 6th September





Gaelic (Hall)


Question Meeting

Rev Iain Thomson

Rev Jonathan Baxter

Saturday 7th September

12.00 noon



Bilingual Prayer Meeting

Rev Jonathan Baxter


Lord’s Day 8th September





Rev Iain Thomson

Rev Jonathan Baxter

The evening service will be followed by a short elder led prayer meeting, then a fellowship at the manse at which visiting ministers will give a word of testimony.

Monday 9th September



Rev Jonathan Baxter

A short prayer meeting is held in the vestry an hour before the morning services on Friday, Saturday, Lord’s Day, and Monday.

Rev Jonathan Baxter is minister of APC Church in Stornoway


Edinburgh Theological Seminary – Saturday Courses

Lectures in 2024/2025

  • David Nixon: Unashamedly Christian
  • Zachary Purvis: The Parables of Jesus: What Are They and Why Are They So Misunderstood?
  • Daniel Sladek: “Bizarre Food” or Spiritual Feast? Understanding Leviticus

Who is the Saturday Course for?
The Saturday Courses, which may be completed with or without essays, are of great benefit to anyone who has a longing to dig deeper into the gospel. 

They are also intended for office-bearers – to encourage them to learn how to approach theological, biblical, historical and pastoral issues and thus to develop a greater study of the word of God.

No prior qualifications are necessary – everyone is welcome.

The following awards are available in these courses:

Certificate in Theology
To qualify for a Certificate in Theology, the student is required to submit six essays (normally up to three essays each year).

Diploma in Christian Studies
This is a further course for those who have already gained their Certificate in Theology. To qualify for the Diploma in Christian Studies, the student is required to submit a further six essays (normally up to three essays each year).

And it does not stop there: for every six essays thereafter, a Diploma in Further Christian Studies will be awarded. Indeed, we have people who have been doing the course for 19 years!


When will the lectures take place?
In 2024/2025, the lectures will be delivered one Saturday a month on the following dates:

2024: 14 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December

2025: 11 January, 8 February, 8 March, 12 April

The lectures will be delivered from the Chalmers Hall at ETS with a link to the M.A. Hall in Stornoway.  Once you register, you are welcome to attend in person at the upper M.A. Hall.

Refreshments will be available but bring your own lunch.
For more information and registration fees, email [email protected] or phone 0131 376 3148.


Practice & Procedures Group Consultation with Presbyteries
The Western Isles Presbytery is holding a Special Meeting on Tuesday 3rd September 2024, at 7.00pm in the M.A. Hall, Stornoway to meet and consult with the Free Church's Practice and Procedures Group (PPG).

The PPG are currently engaged in two processes regarding which they wish to engage with Presbyteries by way of consultation, namely Capability Procedures for Ministers, and a revision of Procedures for Filling A Vacancy.

Whilst this is meeting is primarily for members of the Presbytery, it is also open to the public and anyone with a particular interest in any of the matters being discussed is welcome to attend. 


Ordination and Induction
The ordination and induction of Rev David Ferguson to the congregation of North Uist, Grimsay and Berneray, is due to take place at 11.00am on Saturday 14th September at North Uist Free Church, Carinish, North Uist, to which all are cordially invited.  

There will be a reception afterwards in the church hall.


Use of Defibrillators in Medical Emergencies.
Medical emergencies in our buildings are, thankfully, very rare but it’s always good to be well prepared for when they do.  Prompt intervention can often reduce the effects of sudden illness and can even save someone’s life.  As a congregation we are greatly indebted for the instinctive response that’s always given on such occasions by those present with medical and First-Aid experience.

In recent years having access to an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) has increased the survival rate of someone suffering a cardiac arrest. 

There are now several AED’s within easy reach of our buildings.  For the church and hall, there’s one mounted externally at the Police Station on Church Street (on the end wall next to Peking Cuisine), and another at K J Macdonald’s pharmacy on Cromwell Street.  For the Seminary, there’s one mounted at the rear of e-Sgoil. 

The Deacons’ Court is keen to know of any in the congregation who is familiar with AED’s and also of anyone who would be interested in attending CPR and AED training sessions.

To register your interest, please contact Mairianne on 703860 or by email to [email protected], or speak to any of the office-bearers.
