News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 18th August

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Elaine, Christine Smith, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.
Volunteers 25th August: Christine Ann, Maighread, Donna and Carol Ann.                               

Holiday Tweenies for pre-school children aged 3-7 arrive in church
at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.
Volunteers today: Liz, Evelyn and Anne.
Volunteers 25th August: Elizabeth, Kay and Marissa.

Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship
Tea and coffee will be served by Norrie and Alison.

Monday 19th August – Toddler Group from 1.00pm to 3.00pm in the M. A. Hall.

Monday 19th August at 7.00pm
– Deacons’ Court will meet in the Kenneth Street Session room.

Wednesday 21st August at 7.30pm
– English Preparatory service conducted by Rev Colin Macleod in the Seminary and live on YouTube – Channel name (Free Church Seminary Stornoway).

Please note – This service will NOT be available on Zoom.
The Kirk Session will be opened in the Seminary session room following the service. The ministers and elders are most willing to speak with anyone who is considering taking communion for the first time.

Thursday 22nd August at 7.30pm – Gaelic Service
conducted by Mr Joe Macphee in the Seminary and live on YouTube – Channel name (Free Church Seminary Stornoway).


Friday 23rd August at 8.00am – Prayer Meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.


Friday 23rd August from 12.00 t0 3.00pm – Fridays at The Free
The M.A. Hall will be open for soups, teas and coffees to give people an opportunity to meet with friends.
There will be a kids play area available as well as items from ‘Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank free of charge.

Anyone needing transport please call Calum on 07717 495424


Friday 23rd August at 7.30pm – Gaelic Service conducted by Rev Callum Macleod in the Seminary and live on YouTube (Channel name – Free Church Seminary Stornoway).

Friday 23rd August at 7.30pm – English Service
conducted by Rev Murdo Campbell, Barvas, in the Kenneth Street church and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church).

The Kirk Session will meet in the Kenneth Street Session room following the evening services.

24th August at 8.00amPrayer Meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.

Saturday 24
th August at 11.00am – Gaelic Service conducted by Rev Callum Macleod in the Seminary and live on YouTube (Channel name – Free Church Seminary Stornoway).

The Kirk Session will meet in the Seminary Session room following the service.

Saturday 24
th August at 7.00pm – English Service in the Kenneth Street church conducted by Rev Murdo Campbell, Barvas and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church).

The Kirk Session will meet in the Kenneth Street Session room following the service.

Lord’s Day 25
th August at 8.00am – Prayer Meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.


Services next Lord’s Day – 25th August

11.00am – Gaelic Communion Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev Callum   Macleod, retired.
11.00am – English Communion Service (Church) conducted by Rev Murdo Campbell, Barvas.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Murdo Campbell.

There will be a fellowship in the M.A. Hall following the evening service where the visiting ministers will speak.

Rev Calum Murdo Smith is on annual leave until Tuesday 20th August. Rev Colin Macleod, Interim Moderator, will cover any pastoral needs.


Saturday 31st August - 1.00pm - 4.00pm at Coll beach – Church Day Out. 
The recreation centre at Coll has been booked in case of wet weather. Everyone is welcome, young and old. We hope to have a barbecue and bouncy castle by the beach. Bring your bucket, spade or camping chair! Donations of baking will be gladly received (please label clearly with your name and type of baking). If you would like to volunteer on the day, please contact Mairianne on 703860 or [email protected].


Sunday 1st September – Back to Church Sunday
This is an opportunity to give an invitation to anyone, family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues etc, to come and join us at our Sunday services.

Invitation cards for sharing are available at the doors of the church and Seminary.

Sunday 1st September also coincides with the new Sunday school terms starting and is an ideal time to invite families along. Everyone is welcome, whether they have been to church in the past or have never been at all.


Precept Scotland – Bible Study Training 6th – 7th September
Nigel Watts, national Director for Precept Scotland) will be returning to the island to deliver further inductive bible study training.

So often we can go through the motions with our quiet times, these sessions provide tools which anyone can use which facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of God's word leading you to know God deeply and live differently.


Adults and Older Teens
Saturday 7th September - 09:30-12:30 (Registration 9.15am)
Venue: County Hotel, Stornoway
Bring: A Bible and 4 different coloured pencils
Cost: £10.00 (payable on the day) Tea and coffee will be provided
To register: Email [email protected] or call 07415 847869


Bible Training for Teens
Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September – 7.30pm-9.00pm
Bring: A Bible
Cost: £10 to cover both sessions (payable on the day)
To register: Email: [email protected] or call 07415 847869


High Free Church Schedule of Communion Services August 2024 

Wednesday 21st August

Testimony & Praise evening at 7.30pm in the

Fáilte (Retirement) Centre, Bayhead


Thursday 22nd August



Gaelic Service at 7.30pm in the

Fáilte (Retirement) Centre, Bayhead

Rev Iain Thomson

Garrabost Free Church


Saturday 24th August



English service at 7.30pm in Sandwick Hall

Rev Kirk Van Der Swaagh

Associate Minister

Crow Road Free Church


Lord’s Day 25th August



English service at 11.00am in Sandwick Hall

Rev Kirk Van Der Swaagh

Associate Minister

Crow Road Free Church

English service at 6.30pm in Sandwick Hall

There will be a fellowship after the Sunday evening service where

Rev. Van Der Swaagh will share his testimony.
