Notices - Sunday 16th September
Sunday 16th September
All young people S1 upwards are warmly invited to Y.F., which meets tonight in the hall after the evening service. Come along and bring a friend.
Monday 17th September
The Deacons’ Court will meet at 7.00pm in the Kenneth Street session room.
Friday 21st September
The 55+ Fellowship will meet in the MA Hall from 2:30-4pm. The speaker will be Rev Calum I Macleod, Back Free Church. All those aged over 55 are most welcome. Please contact Duncan Norman on 07787 973802 if you would like more information or if you need transport to the meeting.
Saturday 22nd September
Save the Children will be holding a Soup and Pudding Fundraising Lunch from 12-2pm in the MA Hall. All are very welcome.
Presbytery Camp
Booking forms are now available at the church door for the Presbytery Junior Camp held in Scaladale during the October holidays. This camp is open to young people in Primary 7 to Secondary 2 and is set to run from Friday 19th to Monday 22nd October. For more information please contact Mairianne The Senior camp for S3-S6 will run in February 2019, God willing. Please remember this work in your prayers.
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness Month
NHS Eileanan Siar are running several events over the coming month, including a “Leave the Light On” service for those who have been lost or have experienced loss, whether the loss stems from suicide or other causes. The service will take place at The High Church, Stornoway on Friday 28th September from 7pm. Tea and coffee will follow the service and there will be an opportunity to talk together after the service. All are welcome. Please contact Elaine Mackay at or phone 708035 for more information.
Church Office
The Church office will be closed from Monday 17th September to Friday 21st September as Mairianne (Youth and Secretarial Assistant) is away. Please pass any items for the bulletin to Lorraine Shewan at and any items for the website to Shaun Libby at
Children and youth groups
Parent & Toddler meets on Tuesday (1.00–3.00pm) and Thursday (9.45-11.45am)
C Club (6-7pm) for age 4 yrs to P2 on Monday in the Hall
Cross Trax (7-8.30pm) for ages P6, P7, S1 on Monday in the Hall
Kidz Zone (6.15-7.30pm) ages P3, P4, P5 meets on Thursday in the Hall
Tuesday 25th September
The Craft Group meets at 7:30 in the Hall. All welcome.
Saturday 29th September
The Big Free Rally is being held in Smithton Free Church, Inverness for those aged P5 upwards. The cost is £10 for free return travel to Ullapool. Please email to reserve your seat.
Church Officer
Donnie will be on holiday from Thursday 20th September to Thursday 27th September. Finlay Macleod (Elder) will provide cover for those dates. Please contact Finlay on 07484 182771 if you have any queries.