News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 14th July

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Annette. Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.
Volunteers 21st July: Elaine, Christine, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.                               

Holiday Tweenies for children aged 3-7 will meet in the main hall after the children’s address.
Volunteers today: Chrissanne, Evelyn and Anne.
Volunteers 21st July: Johan, Kay and Marissa.

Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and Coffee will be served by Katie Ann and Erica.


Monday 15th July at 7.00pm – The Kirk Session will meet in the Kenneth Street session room.

Wednesday 17th July at 7.30pm
– English Prayer Meeting meets in the Seminary and on Zoom and will be led by Mr Ian M. Macleod.

Thursday 18th July at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting
meets in the Seminary and will be led by Mr Murdo Martin.

20th July at 7.30pmEnglish Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.

Lord’s Day 21
st July at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.

Lord’s Day 21st July from 8.30am to 10.30am - Free Breakfast @ the Free Church.
All welcome.


Services next Lord’s Day – 21st July
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Joe Macphee
11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Mr Scott Macleod
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Mr Scott Macleod

Rev Calum Murdo Smith will be on annual leave from Tuesday 16th July until Wednesday 24th July. Rev Callum Macleod will cover any pastoral needs.


We were deeply sorry to hear that Charles Haddon Spurgeon Finlayson had passed away on 6th July. Charlie became a member in Stornoway Free Church in 1984, and ordained as an elder in 2000.

We pray that his daughter Catherine and his son Ruaraidh will know God’s peace and comfort at this sad time. We also remember his two grandsons, James and Joel, along with the extended family, neighbours and friends.



Champion’s Challenge Holiday Club: 29th July to 2nd August 2024
We are gearing up for a week of Olympic-themed fun and games at our summer club this year! We will be learning about our ultimate champion Jesus and we are delighted to have a full squad of 80 children. Please pray for the volunteers in their preparation, for the children and their families who come and for God to receive all the glory.

If you would like to donate any (nut-free) baking for the club, please contact Evelyn on 07795 312924.

If you would like to contribute towards the costs of running the club, you are welcome to put your donation in an envelope clearly marked ‘Holiday Club’ and leave it in the collection plates at the church or Seminary.


Chariots of Fire Screening: Saturday 27th July
The Oscar-winning film, Chariots of Fire is being screened in An Lanntair on Saturday 27th July at 6pm to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell winning gold in the Paris Olympics 1924. 

 "It is based on the true story of two British athletes in the 1924 Olympics: Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian who runs for the glory of God, and Harold Abrahams, an English Jew who runs to overcome prejudice.” (Source: Wikipedia)

We are offering a limited number of tickets to families and young people in the congregation for £2.00 per person. We will be seated together in the cinema, with the option of going to the café afterwards for a free drink.

Contact [email protected] to book your spot. Please spread the word to others who may be interested. Book your tickets through An Lanntair’s box office:

Thank you from Women for Mission

We are delighted to report that the final total for the 2023/24 project Breaking Barriers was an amazing £57,327. We thank all the WfM groups and congregations of the Western Isles for the substantial contribution they made to this final total.

 All the prayerful support and fundraising endeavours during the year will result in funds being distributed between International Justice Mission, Release International (Nigeria), Christian Values in Education (Scotland) and International Mission to Jewish People.

We assure these ministries and projects of our continued prayerful support and we thank God for enabling us to be part of this ministry.


For more information about the fundraising project for 2024-25, Empower – Lifting Women Up and Transforming Futures, please see Home - Women for Mission or pick up a leaflet at the door. More details about the individual projects will be given when we resume our meetings after the summer break.

