News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 12th May

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Fiona, Catherine, Ruby and Alison.
Volunteers 19th May: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.                                


Tweenies for children aged 3-5 will meet in the main hall.
Volunteers today: Elizabeth, Anna and Aileen.
Volunteers 19th May: Johan, Angela and Lydia.


Tweenies, Sunday School and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.


Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship
Tea and Coffee will be served by Murdo and Kathetta.

Monday 13th May 1.00pm-3.00pm - Toddler Group meets in the M.A. Hall.

Monday 13th May at 7.00pm – The Deacons’ Court meets in Kenneth Street Session room.


Wednesday 15th May at 7.30pm in the M.A. Hall
The AGM for the congregation will be held and the annual Report of the Trustees and Financial Statements for 2023 will be presented.  Copies of the report are available for collection at the services today and is also now available for viewing on the congregation’s website.    


Thursday 16th May - Explorers meet in the M.A. Hall:
6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1- P3
7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7

Thursday 16th May from 7.15pm to 8.15pm – Exploring Life’s Big Questions at the M.A. Hall
All are welcome, and please invite others to come along. Leaflets with more information are available at the church door

Thursday 16th May at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting
meets in the Seminary and will be led by Rev James Maciver.


Friday 17th May from 2.30pm to 4.00pm – 55+ Fellowship in the M.A. Hall
We look forward to having Helen Sandison from the Western Isles Cancer Care Initiative as our guest speaker.  Calum Mackay (Garrabost) will lead the singing.  We hope you can all join us - you will be made very welcome.

If you need transport, please contact Duncan Norman on:

01851 860 418 or 07787973802

Saturday 18th May – 12.00pm to 2.00pm -
Stornoway WfM Fundraising Soup & Pudding Lunch in the M. A. Hall.
Donations of soups, puddings and items of baking etc (no bric-a-brac), as well as help on the day will be much appreciated.  There is a sign-up sheet at the main door.

The main WfM committee will be holding its Annual Meeting online afterwards and those wishing to join are invited to the upstairs hall at 2.00pm.

Saturday 18
th May at 7.30pmEnglish Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.


Services next Lord’s Day – 19th May
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev James Maciver 
11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M. Smith
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver

We were truly sorry to hear of the sudden passing of Roddy John Smith, Jamieson Drive.

We extend our sincere and prayerful condolences to his family: his wife Nan, son Norman, and his partner Diane; son David; daughter Kathleen; Melissa; grandchildren Katie, Connor, Malcolm, Eilidh, Donald John, Ruairidh and John; brother Duncan and partner Mary; Roddy John's in-laws; all nieces, nephews, grand nieces and nephews, cousins and all in the wider family group.

We pray that God will comfort them all in their loss.

Sunday School Volunteer Vacancies
The Sunday School needs new teachers for the beginning of next session (September). There are also vacancies for one or two teaching assistants to help children with additional support needs. We follow a scheme called “Go Teach” which provides comprehensive plans for each lesson and great advice about how to teach it. 

You don’t have to be a trained teacher to serve our wonderful children in our church family!  Would you consider a job share (week about)?  Would you like to shadow a current teacher this term to learn what's involved?  We are asking the congregation to pray earnestly in this regard, that God may supply our need according to His grace. 

If you would like to find out more, please contact Peigi Maclennan or Ian Murdo Macleod with any questions you may have.


A Weekend with Rev Philip and Catherine Campbell – 17th-19th May At St Columba’s Parish Church, Lewis Street, Stornoway

Friday 17th May
7.30pm – Praise with testimony - Catherine Campbell

Saturday 18th May
8.30am – Women’s Breakfast – Church Hall
9.00am – Men’s Breakfast – County Hotel
10.30am – Fellowship with Catherine Campbell

Sunday 19th May
11.00am – Service conducted by Rev Philip Campbell
6.30pm  – Praise & testimony from Rev Philip Campbell

It would be helpful if anyone wishing to attend either of the breakfasts could contact Maggie on 01851 705407 or 07771860119 to book a place.

There are leaflets with more information at the church door.


Next Generation Training
For parents or youth leaders ministering to 10–30-year-olds.

The training covers:
Theology of Ministry to Emerging Generations
Culture, Development and Discipleship of Emerging Generations
Models and Methods of Ministry to Emerging Generations.

You can attend one or all of the sessions free of charge:

Friday 17th May in the evening and Saturday 18th May in the morning and afternoon at Carloway Free Church.
For further details or to book a place, follow the link:


GOOD NEWS for Everyone! (formerly Gideons UK)
The Western Isles Branch Annual Rally will be held at the Associated Presbyterian Church, Keith St, Stornoway, on Friday 7 June 2024 at 7.30pm.

The main speaker will be Bill Thomas, former National President.

All Welcome - refreshments will be served afterwards
