Notices - Sunday 12th January
Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Elaine, Christine Ann, Maighread, Donna and Carol Ann.
Volunteers 19th January: Christine, Maryanne, Catherine, Ruby and Alison.
Tweenies in the main hall for children aged 3 to 5.
Volunteers today: Liz, Kay and Anne.
Volunteers 19th January: Johan, Anna and Aileen.
Sunday School and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.
Everyone is welcome to the M A Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship.
Tea and coffee will be served by Eoghain and Dawn.
Monday 13th January from 1.00pm to 3.00pm – The Toddler Group will meet in the M A Hall.
Tuesday 14th January at 7.30pm – The Vacancy Committee will meet in the upper M A Hall.
Tuesday 14th January at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting at Laxdale Mission House.
Wednesday 15th January at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary and on Zoom led by Rev Kenneth I Macleod.
Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Mr Murdo Martin.
Thursday 16th January – Explorers meet in M.A. Hall:
P1 - P3 6.00pm - 7.00pm
P4 – P7 7.00pm - 8.15pm
Friday 17th January from 12.00pm until 3.00pm – Fridays at The Free
The M A Hall will be open for soups, teas and coffees to give people an opportunity to meet with friends.
There will be a kids play area available as well as items from ‘Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank free of charge.
Anyone needing transport please call Calum on 07717 495424
Saturday 18th January at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.
Lord’s Day 19th January at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.
Services next Lord’s Day – 19th January.
11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Joe Macphee.
11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Callum Macleod.
Rev Calum M Smith will be on holiday from 16th January to Wednesday 22nd January. Rev Kenneth I Macleod will cover any pastoral needs.
Kirk Session
The next Kirk Session meeting will be held on Monday 20th January and not 27th January as per our last meeting. This is mainly to allow earlier consideration of a number of matters to be dealt with.
Defibrillator and CPR Training
At a recent meeting of the Deacons’ Court, dates were arranged for basic defibrillator and CPR training. The course running on Saturday 25th January from 10am to 12 noon still has places available.
If there is anyone in the congregation who would be interested in attending this training, please get in touch with Ian Murdo Macleod as soon as possible by email, message or voice call to book your place.
Ian Murdo’s contact details are:
Mobile 07887 722269
Email: [email protected]
Curry Evening for Free Church Youth Camps
You are warmly invited to a curry evening in the M A Hall on Friday 31st January at 6.30pm.
The money raised will be used to defray the costs for campers and camp leaders attending from our own congregation. Food other than curry will also be available.
To book a seat or table please phone Ali Moley on 07810 691033.
Donations can be made at the door on the evening.
Annual LDOS Prayer Meeting
The annual Lord’s Day Observance Society prayer meeting is due to take place at 8.30pm on Lord's Day 19th January 2025 in the APC building on Keith Street. All are encouraged to attend.
Mission International – Wednesday 22nd January
Rev Roddy Macrae will be at the prayer meeting to speak about his new role with Mission International.
Opening of Tesco on the Lord’s Day
Following a letter from the Kirk Session to express our deep disappointment and strong objection to the decision taken by the management of Tesco to impose a full seven-day opening of the Stornoway store on the people of Lewis and Harris, the following response was received from Tesco:
Hello Joe and everyone at the Kirk Session of Stornoway Free Church,
Thank you for getting in touch in relation to the decision to open our Stornoway Superstore on a Sunday.
We are confident that the decision to open our Stornoway Superstore on Sundays will allow us to balance the demand for seven-day opening while remaining respectful to local traditions and culture.
Over recent weeks we have received a significant amount of positive feedback to our Sunday opening proposals, particularly from colleagues.
Of course, we understand that not everyone supports opening the store seven days a week and we will adopt a unique approach to Stornoway with shorter opening times on a Sunday than other locations in Scotland.
This change will improve the shopping experience for customers by offering them flexibility and reducing busy periods during the week, especially Fridays and Saturdays.
We will continue to listen to, and work with colleagues, in the coming weeks as we prepare for the first Sunday opening and no one will be obliged to work on a Sunday if they choose not to.
Take care
Darren Piggott
Customer Service Specialist
On behalf of the Chief Executive’s Office
The Kirk Session would urge the congregation to make this, and the wider issue of Sunday observance, a matter of continued prayer.