Archive: Feb 26, 2021, 12:00 AM

Monthly Prayer Meeting - Monday 1st March

Our monthly prayer meeting takes place on Monday 1st March at 8pm on Zoom.  Please join us if you can as we pray for God's intervention. The link is the same as previous monthly meetings but do get in touch if you need it: [email protected]

This meeting ties in with the Presbytery's designated hour of prayer.

The Bible passage and prayer points for Monday 1st March 2021 have been chosen by Rev. Ewen Matheson, minister of the Cross congregation.

Bible Passage Isaiah 45:7 (ESV)

I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD, who does all these things.

Prayer Points:

  1. Give thanks that God is sovereign.
  2. Pray that the Lord would grant us the discernment to learn the spiritual lessons from our current providence.
  3. Pray that the Lord would bless those who are unwell, receiving treatments, grieving, struggling with addictions and all who are finding the isolation particularly difficult.
  4. Give thanks for, and pray for the safety of, health care workers, care givers, key workers, and emergency services personnel.
Read more about 'Monthly Prayer Meeting - Monday 1st March'...

Service Details - Sunday 28 February

Sunday 28th February
11.00am Service on Facebook Live

Rev James Maciver will continue his series on the Miracles of Jesus this Sunday morning, preaching on 'The Growth of Faith under Christ’s Nurturing', from John 4:46-54 in this worship service streamed live from home.


6.30pm ServiceFacebookYouTubeSermons page

Rev Kenneth I Macleod preaches on 'Honest Confession is Good for the Soul' from Psalm 32:1-5 in this worship service recorded at home.

Read more about 'Service Details - Sunday 28 February '...
