Archive: 1, 2020

Midweek Meeting on Zoom

Our midweek meeting will be conducted via Zoom on Wednesday 1st April at 7.30pm, D.V. Rev Kenneth I Macleod will give the sermon.

Please contact Mairianne at [email protected] if you would like to be sent the link for the prayer meeting

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Pastoral Reflection from Rev KI Macleod

Reflection for the Week of 29th March

“Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah assembled to seek help from the Lord, from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord.” 2 Chronicles Chapter 20v3-4

We want our journey through life to be as smooth and trouble free as possible. Unfortunately a life without its share of worries, troubles, problems and fears is virtually impossible to find. Jesus,before He left this world said to the disciples, “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” God uses the troubles that come into our lives to achieve different things. Some people who have had no thought of God whatsoever, have found that troubles brought them to come to know personally the God of heaven and earth. God’s people down through the generations have, through their personal troubles, found that God is working in them. God uses hard providences to test us; to draw us closer to Himself; to wean us away from certain sins; to strengthen our faith: to be a means of help and encouragement to others-indeed there are many reasons.

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Sunday Service Livestream

Dear Friends,

I hope you are all well and keeping to safe practice to avoid getting this virus. We are going to run two livestreamed church services on the Lord's Day, God willing, at the usual times of services 11am and 6.30pm. Like last week, these will be around 30 minutes long, with prayer, Bible reading, short sermon and one item of praise. I thought it would help if you knew some details in advance, so here they are:

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Pastoral Reflection from Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Reflection for the Week of 22nd March 2020 from Rev Kenneth I Macleod

“The Lord sits enthroned forever: He has established His throne for justice, and He judges the world with righteousness; He judges the peoples with uprightness. The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. ” Psalm 9:7-9

One of the themes of this Psalm is God’s rule over everything and everyone. We see that it’s a kingly rule because the Lord sits on a throne - v4 “You have sat on the throne giving righteous judgement.” V7 “The Lord sits enthroned.” “He has established His throne for justice.” What a comfort that is to us, in our ever changing, fragile, threatening world, where fear and uncertainty lay hold upon us; where an unseen enemy threatens our very life, to know that God sits upon His throne, not as a disinterested observer, but Someone who is actively involved in all that is happening. We also see that this throne is like the Lord Himself-eternal. We cannot separate the Lord from His throne as it’s an everlasting throne. The Lord’s rule is forever.

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On Sunday 22nd March we will run our first livestream service at 11am on Facebook live, God willing. We encourage you to join with us for a short time of worship and devotion lasting around 30 minutes.

Connect to the livestream by visiting If you have any issues, please email [email protected]

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This Sunday we are encouraging Christians to join together in a National Day of Prayer.

We want to seek the help of God and pray for His mercy upon our country, for His strength for the vulnerable and His wisdom for decision makers and those on the front lines of health care.

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Please Note: For all parents of our Sunday school and Tweenies children. We would like to try and keep a semblance of normality for the children in our congregation as much as possible during these unusual times.

With that in mind, a couple of our amazing Sunday school teachers plan to prepare a weekly activity worksheet / craft with instructions at three different levels and a link to a video clip for you to watch together.

If you would like to participate in this virtual Sunday school please email [email protected] with your contact email address, your name and your child’s name and age/class.

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Pastoral Message from the Minister

Beloved friends, we are in a situation none of us would have chosen, but God has chosen it for us, and we must acknowledge this and continue to trust in… Read more about 'Pastoral Message from the Minister'...

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Measures Agreed By Stornoway Free Church Kirk Session

At its meeting on Wednesday, 11th March, the Kirk Session considered the coronavirus outbreak in light of the current guidance issued by NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government.   The Kirk Session reluctantly concluded that it would be prudent to introduce the following measures for an indefinite period:


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Notices - Sunday 15th March

Monday 16th March
Kirk Session meets at 7pm in the Session Room, Kenneth Street.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 15th March'...

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