Archive: 1, 2018

Notices - 1st April

Sunday 1st April
Rev James MacIver is the speaker at the Bayhead Youth Group tonight which meets at 8:30pm in the Bridge Centre. All ages welcome.

Tuesday 3rd April
Basic Christianity discussion group will meet from 7:30-9pm in the MA Hall. If you want to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us in a relaxed and informal setting where we can consider some of life’s important questions. If you have not previously attended, why not come along and try it out? There is no weekly commitment expected, and you can just sit and listen to the discussion if that is your preference.

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Rota - 1st April

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel
TWEENIES Elizabeth, Donna Maciver, Donna Mackinnon, Sandra
TEAS Dolly and Karen


Rotas Next Week

CRECHE Kate, Mary, Mairianne
TWEENIES Alison, Karen, Naomi, Shona Macleod
TEAS Ann and Donald A

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Service Details - 1st April

11am English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Jesus, The  Resurrection and the Life

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev James Maciver
Sermon Title: Study 15, First Peter – Christ our Example


No Sunday Schools Today

Read more about 'Service Details - 1st April'...

The April & May 2018 Newsletter is available now containing an update from the team at Road to Recovery, a history of a Stornoway Free church minister in Victorian times and baby pictures from the recent baptism.  Click here to view the newsletter.

Read more about 'April & May Newsletter Online '...

Service Details - Sunday 25th March

11am English Service (Church)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod


Psalm 78: 1-6 (Scottish Psalter) p324

Psalm 61: 1-6 (Sing Psalms) p78

Psalm 25 (first version): 1-6

(Scottish Psalter) p231

Psalm 23 (whole) (Sing Psalms) p28

Reading: Exodus 1: 8- Exodus 2: 10

Sermon Text: Hebrews 11: 23

Sermon Title: The Faith of Moses Parents


6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev Kenneth I Macleod


Psalm 95: 1-6 (Scottish Psalter) p357

Psalm 48 (a): 8-end (Sing Psalms) p63

Psalm 119: 33-40 (Scottish Psalter) p402

Psalm 34: 1-7 (Sing Psalms) p40

Reading: Acts 9: 1-31

Sermon Text: Acts 9: 10-13

Sermon Title: Ananias the Obedient Disciple


No Gaelic Service today


Services next week:

11am English Service(Church): Rev James Maciver

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary): Rev Kenneth I Macleod

6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev James Maciver


Midweek Meetings: All at 7.30pm in the Seminary

Wednesday – English – Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Thursday – Gaelic – Rev James Maciver Saturday – English



Children and youth groups

Parent & Toddler meets on Tuesday (1.00–3.00pm) and Thursday (9.45-11.45am)

Campaigners: C Club (6-7pm) and Crosstrax (7-8.30pm) on Monday in the hall

Kidz Zone meets at 6.15-7.30pm on Thursday in the hall

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Free Church Youth Camps - Summer 2018

Free Church Youth Camps Summer 2018

There are still spaces available, as detailed below. Also, if you can help by volunteering as a Chief Cook for the Kincraig Girls camp, running from 14th – 21st July, then please email [email protected]


Read more about 'Free Church Youth Camps - Summer 2018'...

Rotas - Sunday 25th March

Rotas This Week

CRECHE Maighread, Dolly, Annemarie

TWEENIES Elaine, Kay, Donna Mackinnon

TEAS Elaine and Ian M



Rotas Next Week


CRECHE Catriona, Kathleen, Annabel

TWEENIES Elizabeth, Donna Maciver, Donna Mackinnon, Sandra

TEAS Dolly and Karen

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Notices - Sunday 25th March

Election of Office Bearers

Voting forms are still available. Communicant members are asked to take one envelope which contains a voting form. The form has details of how to complete it. Please return envelopes by placing them in the plate or giving them to those on the door no later than tonight. Elders are encouraged to take envelopes to any communicant members who are housebound or unable to get to the services. Thank you.

Click the link below for the rest of the notices.

Read more about 'Notices - Sunday 25th March'...

Midweek Bible Study Notes - Session 4

Wednesday 4th April


Wisdom from James


This Bible study is based on the Letter of James and is intended for group discussion after an initial talk by the minister. The questions set out in each session of the study are intended to stimulate discussion and need not be kept to rigidly but all the questions arise from what is written in this Letter.




Session 4

How Should I Assess a Person’s Value?



Passage for Study

James 2: 1-13


Outline of Talk:

  • In these verses James refers to “partiality” or “favouritism” and how it is a sin. He also shows how destructive it is when it is active in any congregation. You will need to discuss what sort of attitude lies behind favouritism and in what ways it shows itself practically.


  • In verse 4 James tells us that showing favouritism involves being judgmental. This is different to making distinctions between people and assessing their gifts etc. What James is dealing with is taking this to the level of looking up to some and down on others simply because of outward appearance or possessions.


  • In countering the tendency we all have to show favouritism or partiality, James gives us something which contrasts with our human evaluation. He says that it is often the case that God has chosen those who are poor materially but are rich in faith, and in contrast that many who are rich materially are actually enemies of God and of his church (verse 6-7).


  • James then introduces again (previously in 1:25) a reference to the law of God. This time, however, he describes it as the “royal law” as well as by “the law of liberty.” You will need to think about what is significant about both these descriptions in relation to the sin of favouritism.


  • Finally, the passage ends with references to “mercy” and to mercy “triumphing over judgment.” This brings home to us the fact that God does not treat us as we deserve but in fact tempers his judgment with mercy. This relates to how we are to behave in attitude and practice towards all kinds of people not just those we might regard as our “favourites.”


Questions for Discussion Session:


  1. If you were a visitor to the church James describes in verses 1-4 what would you be seeing? What would your reaction be? How does it compare to what you see in your own congregation (be honest!)?

  2. Why do you think they honoured those who were well off and looked down on those who were poor? (“sin” is not a good enough answer – you need to be more specific!)

  3. How does the title James gives to Jesus in verse 1 help us to be impartial in our dealings with people?

  4. What sort of problems will “partiality” or “favouritism” lead to in a congregation?

  5. In verse 8 James summarises the “royal law.” Why do you think he does this? How does he show in verses 9-11 that favouritism is not a “small” sin of little consequence?

  6. Why do you think the law is called “the law of liberty” in verse 12? (Clue – God frees us from sin and requires a consequent behaviour from us). What does this have to do with favouritism?

  7. How does the fact that you need a “judgment with mercy” (see verse 13) help you to avoid the sin of favouritism?
Read more about 'Midweek Bible Study Notes - Session 4'...

Island Study Conference 2018

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