News & Updates

Notices - 19 March

Sunday 19

The Congregational Fellowship will meet in the hall after the evening service and all are welcome. Colin Campbell, CAP Scotland Partnership Manager, will be sharing about the work of Christians Against Poverty and launching the CAP money course in the congregation. Come along and find out more.

Tuesday 21

The Cabarfaith group meets on Tuesday at 7:30 in the Cabarfeidh Hotel. Please join us for a time of informal discussion exploring what it means to be a Christian.

Read more about 'Notices - 19 March'...

Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 6

Study 6 – Matthew 16:13-16

The Declaration at Caesarea Philippi 1

Read more about 'Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 6'...

Rota - 19 March

19 March
Creche  Tweenies
Ishbel Macleod   Elizabeth Ferguson
Kate Macdonald Betsy Macleod
Moira Morrison Dawn Campbell
Mairianne Campbell  
Maighread Macphee Chrissanne Mackenzie
Read more about 'Rota - 19 March'...

Notices - 12 March

Monday 13:
Deacons’ Court meets at 7pm in the Session Room

Tuesday 14:

March The Caberfaith group meets on Tuesday at 7:30 in the Caberfeidh Hotel. Please join us for a time of informal discussion exploring what it means to be a Christian.

Read more about 'Notices - 12 March'...

Rota - 12 March

12 March
Creche  Tweenies
Diane Macdonald   Liz Macleod
Maighread Macphee Kay Macleod
Michelle Morrison Dawn Campbell
Annemarie Macphail  
Elaine Macmillan Ian Murdo Macmillan
Read more about 'Rota - 12 March'...

Notices - 5 March

Sunday 5:

The Youth Fellowship will meet after the evening service in the hall for pizza and refreshments before heading down the Bridge Centre to join with the Bayhead Youth Group at 8:30pm. Parents can pick up from the Bridge Centre at 9.45pm. All S1+ very welcome.

Bayhead Youth Group will meet at 8:30pm tonight at the Bridge Centre, Bayhead and the speaker is Doonie Macleod. All welcome. 

Read more about 'Notices - 5 March'...

Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 5

Study 5 – John 6 verses 66-69

Desertion and Decision-time

Read more about 'Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 5'...

Rota - 5 March

5 March
Creche  Tweenies
Annabelle Maclean   Shona MacVicar
Alison Macdonald Elaine Poke
Catriona Neally Naomi Mackay
Kathleen Walker  
Elizabeth Ferguson Kenneth Macleod
Read more about 'Rota - 5 March'...

Notices - 26 February

Monday 27:

Women for Mission will meet on Monday 27th February at 7.30pm in Kenneth Street session room. We will have a surprise guest speaker.

Tuesday 28:
A.G.A. Craft Group meets on Tuesday in the M.A. Hall. Paper Craft will be the activity for the evening. ALL 'girls' welcome.

Read more about 'Notices - 26 February'...

Rota - 26 February

26 February
Creche  Tweenies
Chrisell Macleod   Elizabeth Ferguson
Elaine Macmillan Betsy Macleod
Marina Macaulay  Chrissanne Mackenzie
Karen Mackay  
Naomi Mackay Liz Macleod
Read more about 'Rota - 26 February'...

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