News & Updates

Rota - 30 April

30 April
Creche  Tweenies
Mary Campbell   Elizabeth Ferguson
Alison Macdonald Chrisanne Mackenzie
Catriona Neally Betsy Macleod
Kathleen Walker  
Kathleen Walker Marten Walker
Read more about 'Rota - 30 April'...

Notices - 23 April

Sunday 23:

A Retiring Collection will be taken after all services today in aid of the work of Campaigners.

The Congregational Fellowship which was due to take place tonight has been cancelled in respect of the worship with the family of the late Norman MacGregor which is at 9pm in the Seminary. The funeral service will take place in the Seminary on Monday (24 th April) at 1.30pm.

Monday 24:

The Deacons' Court will meet on Monday 24th April at 7.00pm in the Kenneth Street Session Room.

Read more about 'Notices - 23 April'...

Rota - 23 April

23 April
Creche  Tweenies
Chrisell Macleod   Liz Macleod
Elaine Macmillan Kay Macleod
Michelle Morrison Dawn Campbell
Karen Mackay  
Anne Macleod Donald Macleod
Read more about 'Rota - 23 April'...

Notices - 16 April

Use of Session Room – Those who use the Session Room during services please note the following. From now on the elders who gather in the Session Room will leave the room and enter the church 6-7 minutes before the service begins. If those who use the Session Room during the services could arrive 5 minutes before the service begins they can go straight into the Session Room when they arrive, so that they do not need to wait outside as before.

The Record: The April edition of the Record is now available at the doors. 

Read more about 'Notices - 16 April'...

Rota - 16 April

16 April
Creche  Tweenies
Ishbel Macleod   Shona McVicar
Kate Macdonald Naomi Mackay
Moira Morrison Elaine Macmillan
Mairianne Campbell  
Kate Macdonald Dena Macleod
Read more about 'Rota - 16 April'...

Notices - 9 April

Monday 10:
Deacons’ Court meets in the Church Session Room at 7pm.

Rev James Maciver will be at a Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday.

Read more about 'Notices - 9 April'...

Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 9

Study 9 – Luke chapter 9 verses 28-36

Peter at Christ’s Transfiguration

Read more about 'Study Questions on the Life of Simon Peter: 9'...

Rota - 9 April

9 April
Creche  Tweenies
Diane Macdonald   Elizabeth Ferguson
Maighread Macphee Chrissanne Mackenzie
Dolly Mackay Betsy Macleod
Annemarie Macphail  
Dolly Mackay Rachel Macleod
Read more about 'Rota - 9 April'...

Notices - 2 April

Newsletter for April/May is available at the door. Or you can download it here.

Monday 3rd

There will be a meeting of the Kirk Session on Monday 3rd April at 8.30pm in the Seminary following the Monthly Prayer Meeting.

Read more about 'Notices - 2 April'...

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