News & Updates

Service Details - 11 June

11am English Service (Church): Mr Iain Macritchie

Sermon Title: Crippled, yet Called

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary): Rev Kenneth I Macleod

6.30pm English Service (Church): Rev James MacIver 

Sermon Title: Study 15 - The Life of Simon Peter - Decline, Denial and Distress

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Notices - 11 June

Monday 12 June Deacons’ Court meets at 7pm in the Seminary

Tuesday 13th June
Youth Club will meet at Coll Beach from 7.30pm-9.30pm for all S2-S6. Postponed from last week due to bad weather. 
- The Caberfaith group meets on Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Caberfeidh Hotel. BBC Reporter Angus Macdonald will be the guest speaker at this, the last meeting of the session. Please join us in the Willow Suite, Cabarfeidh Hotel, to hear Angus’s testimony and learn about the Christian faith.

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Rota - 11 June

11 June
Creche    Tweenies
Kate Macdonald    Liz Macleod
Mairianne Campbell Kay Macleod
Annemarie Macphail Dawn Campbell
 Junior  Teas
Anna Maclean Paul Ferguson
Hannah Morrison Elizabeth Ferguson
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Rota - 4th June

4 June
Creche    Tweenies
Maighread Macphee   Liz Macleod
Dolly Mackay Kay Macleod
Annemarie Macphail Dawn Campbell
 Junior  Teas
Robbie Maciver Catriona Murray
Annice Macleod Elizabeth Ferguson

Read more about 'Rota - 4th June'...

Service Details - 4th June

11am English Communion Service (Church)
Rev Kenneth I Macleod

Sermon Title: The Great God and Saviour Who Gave

6.30pm English Service (Church)

Rev James MacIver 

Sermon Title: God’s Response to Human Rebellion


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Notices - 4 June

Election Briefing 2017

The Christian Institute has produced an Election Briefing booklet for the upcoming election as well as Question Cards with six questions to put to your candidates. Please take as many as you can use. They are available at the church doors.

Newsletter: The latest edition of the congregational newsletter is now available.

Sunday 4th June

Congregational Fellowship meets in the hall after the evening service and all are welcome. We hope to have a Q&A with Mr Iain Macritchie (Divinity student).

Read more about 'Notices - 4 June'...

Service Details - 28 May

11am English Service (Church)
Rev Robert Sinclair 
Sermon Title: Let a man examine himself

11am Gaelic Service (Seminary): Mr Ian Macrae

6.30pm English Service (Church)
Rev Robert Sinclair
Sermon Title: How can you escape?

Read more about 'Service Details - 28 May'...

Notices - 28 May

Sunday 28th May
Youth Fellowship meets tonight in the hall after the evening service and all young people are warmly invited.

Tuesday 30th May
The Caberfaith group meets on Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Caberfeidh Hotel. Please join us for a time of informal discussion exploring what it means to be a Christian.

All Girls Allowed Craft group meet in the hall at 7:30pm.

Read more about 'Notices - 28 May'...

Rota - 28 May

28 May
Creche    Tweenies
Annabelle Maclean   Shona Macvicar
Alison Macdonald   Naomi Mackay
Catriona Neally   Elaine Poke
Kathleen Walker    Teas
Kirsty Baird (Junior)   Chrissanne Mackenzie
Megan Macsween (Junior)   Murtie Mackenzie
Read more about 'Rota - 28 May'...

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