Service Details - Sunday 16th March 2025
11.00am English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Calum M Smith
and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 115: 1-9 – Sing Psalms (p152)
Prayer, Children’s Address and Lord’s Prayer
Praise: Psalm 96: 1-6 – Scottish Psalter (p358)
Reading: Micah 4: 6 to 5: 6
Praise: Psalm 47: 1-9 – Sing Psalms (p62)
Sermon Text: Micah 5: 1-6
Sermon Title: A Ruler of Peace Promised
Praise: Psalm 146: 1-6 – Sing Psalms (p191)
11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) conducted by Mr Murdo Martin
and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway)
Òrdugh an Seirbhis
Moladh: Salm 103: 8-11
Leughadh: Ephesianaich 2: 1-22
Moladh: Salm 89: 14-16
Searmon: Ephesianaich 2: 5 agus 8
Tiotal: Le Gràs tha sibh air ur Teàrnadh
Moladh: Salm 107: 7-8
Am Beannachadh
6.30pm English Service (Church) conducted by Rev Joe Hall
and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church)
Order of Service
Praise: Psalm 100: 1-5 – Scottish Psalter (p362)
Reading: Matthew 14: 13-36
Praise: Psalm 77: 13-16 and 19-20 – Sing Psalms (p100)
Praise: Psalm 93: 1-5 – Sing Psalms (p123)
Sermon Text: Matthew 14: 13-36
Praise: Psalm 116: 1-6 – Sing Psalms (p154)