Return of 2021 Freewill Offering Envelopes
For those who are still unable to attend services of worship an opportunity will be given to return their Freewill Offerings envelopes as per the following:
On Saturday 12th June the church hall on Kenneth Street will be open between 2.00 and 4.00pm to receive freewill offering envelopes.
If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity you should come along during these times or arrange for a family member or a friend to deliver the envelopes on your behalf.
You can also contact your district elder or deacon and arrange a time for one of them to collect the envelopes from your home.
On arrival at the hall, a one way system will be in place and you will enter by the main door and leave using the exit door at the far end of the hall.
Wearing of face coverings is mandatory and should be worn.
Hand sanitisers will be available for use at both doors and it’s important that you maintain the recommended 2 metre social distancing on your arrival and while you are inside the hall.