News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 4th June

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.

Volunteers Today: Christine Ann, Maighread and Donna Mackinnon.

Volunteers 11th June: Fiona, Catherine, Ruby and Alison Maciver.                                               

Tweenies: 11.00am in the main hall for children aged 3-5.

Volunteers today: Elizabeth, Alison and Lydia.                                                                 Volunteers 11th June: ChrissAnne, Angela, Aileen and Kirsty.  

 All children in Sunday School and Bible Class to go straight into the hall today at 11.00. They will be brought through to the church by their teachers later in the service to witness the communion being dispensed.

Everyone is welcome to a time of fellowship in the M. A. Hall following the morning service. Eoghain and Dawn will be serving today.

 Congregational Fellowship tonight in the M.A. Hall following the evening service. Donald Macleod will give a presentation on the work of Free Church Youth Camps. All are welcome.

 Monday 5th June 1.00pm-3.00pm - Toddler Group meets in M.A. Hall.

Monday 5th June 7.30pm – Monthly Prayer Meeting on Zoom.

Tuesday 6th June 11.00am – Prayer and Update with Muriel.

Tuesday 6th June 7.30pm-9.15pm – Youth Club meet at Gress beach. Bring a friend for an outdoors games night. All attending must be dropped off and collected.

Wednesday 7th June 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary and on Zoom led by Rev Calum M. Smith.

Thursday 8th June 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Rev D.A. Macdonald.

Thursday 8th June – Explorers in the M.A. Hall.

Saturday 10th June 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.

Saturday 10th June 8.30pm – Slavic Gospel Prayer Meeting on Zoom.

For more information contact Robert France: - 07796 283328.

Sunday 11th June 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.


Services next Sunday 11th June

11.00am – English Service (Church) Rev Calum M. Smith.

11.00am Gaelic Service (Seminary) Rev James Maciver.

6.30pm – English Service (Church) Rev James Maciver.

Friday 9th June 2.00pm-4.00pm in the M.A. Hall – The Leprosy Mission are hosting a fundraising coffee afternoon to help repair the laboratory at Anandaban Hospital in Peru badly damaged in an earthquake. All are welcome.

Friday 9th June 7.30pm – Annual LDOS/Day One Rally in Stornoway Town Hall. The speaker will be Rev Kenneth Stewart, and the title of his lecture will be ‘The Sabbath For Man.’ All are encouraged to attend.

55+ Fellowship

The next meeting of the 55+ Fellowship will take on Friday 16th June from 12 Noon until 2pm in the M.A. Hall.  This will be a Soup and Pudding Lunch and will be the last meeting before the summer break over July and August.  Please note the earlier time for this event.

Our guest on that day will be Johan Smith.  Johan was going to be with us last year along with her husband Calum Murdo but unfortunately was not able to attend.  She has kindly agreed to be our June guest.  The singing that day will be led be our own minister, James Maciver.  So, “book early” for what should be another good afternoon at the 55+!!

 If you need transport, please contact me on one of the following numbers:

860 418 or 07787 973802.  See you there.

Duncan Norman (for the 55+ committee).

Sunday School Snippet. 

Zacchaeus climbed up a tree because he was short. He didn’t share his money. He was a bad man. Jesus changed him, then he shared his money.

Katie Bell Pr1.

Women for Mission

The Women for Mission (National Committee) would like to thank everyone who kindly donated to their ‘Hope for the Hurting’ projects. In excess of £48,500 was raised and will be divided equally between Damaris House, Lakhnadon Christian Hospital and Safe Families Scotland. To date, in excess of £31,500 has been raised for the ‘Refuge & Strength’ 2022/23 projects. The final date for donations for the projects will be 30 June 2023. More information about the new projects will be issued in due course.

Advance Notice - Saturday 24th June - Congregational Outing

This will be held at the Coll Centre from 12.30pm – 4.00pm and will be a great opportunity to meet each other informally. Hot and cold drinks and food from a BBQ will be served.  The children will have access to a Bouncy Castle. Volunteers are required to assist with some of the tasks and donations of baking are welcome. If you can help speak to Scott Macleod.

 Biblical Theology Workshop for Women

Booking is now open for a Biblical Theology workshop for women with well-known author and Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie in Inverness on Saturday 2nd September. It takes place at the Free North church and runs from 10am to 4pm. The early bird rate is £17 and lasts until 30th June. Find out more and book you place for this fun, interactive bible teaching session - 

 The Free North will also be open on Friday evening, 1st September, for attendees to meet over a cuppa and share a time of prayer and praise together. We hope this helps women from the islands to plan their trip over to Inverness. If you'd like more information, feel free to contact Ann Macrae at the Free North Church.


