News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 3rd September

Sunday 3rd September
There will be a worship service in the church (Kenneth Street) tonight at 9pm with the family of the late Mrs Rachel MacLeod, 12 Melbost. The funeral will take place from the church at 1.30pm tomorrow (Monday 4th September)

There is a crèche that meets in the hall next door to the church during the morning service: age 0-2yrs upstairs and age 3-5 (Tweenies) downstairs. Parents, you are welcome to take your children to the crèche/Tweenies at any time and please remember to sign them in.

Sunday School resumes today. Children going to Sunday School should go next door to the hall during the second singing. New children are welcome at any time. (Laxdale Sunday School meets at 12.30pm in Laxdale School.)

Children and youth groups
Campaigners resumes this week on Monday 4th and Thursday 7th September
C Club (6-7pm) for age 4-P2 and Crosstrax (7-8.30pm) for P6-S1 on Monday
Kidz Zone (P3-P5) meets on Thursday at 6.15-7.30pm. All groups meet in the Hall.
Parent & Toddler meets on Tuesday (1.00–3.00pm) and Thursday (9.45-11.45am)

Wednesday 6th September

There will be a Service for those Touched By Suicide on Wednesday 6th September from 6pm to 6.45pm in St. Peter’s Church, Francis Street. If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide, please join us at this special service for those living in Lewis and Harris. All are welcome to attend and the service is open to anyone, regardless of faith. Light refreshments, a time to chat and literature will also be available after the service.
For more information please contact Elaine MacKay, Planning & Development Officer, NHS Western Isles, Email: Tel. 01851 708035. This event has been organised by the Public Health Division, NHS Western Isles, in partnership with St. Peter’s Church & Stornoway Free Church.

Saturday 9th September: Free Church Mission Support Group (Western Isles)
There will be a Light Lunch on Saturday 9th September in the MA Macleod Memorial Hall from 12-2pm. Donations will go to support Muriel Macleod in Cambodia and Neil and Rachel Rae in the Philippines. Donations of baking for the baking stall would be appreciated. All are very welcome to attend.

Midweek Meetings: All at 7.30pm
Monday – Monthly Bilingual in the Seminary
Wednesday – English in the hall (Rev J Maciver)
Thursday – Gaelic in the Seminary (Rev KI Macleod)
Saturday – English in the Seminary

Death Notice
We note with sadness the passing of Mrs Rachel Macleod, 12 Melbost, last Thursday 31st August. We extend our prayerful sympathy to her remaining brother John, her children and their spouses - Elizabeth and Paul, Iain and Donna, Karen and Willie together with their families at this sad time.
Solas Magazine: The latest issue of the Solas magazine is now available to buy and can be collected at the front entrance of the church. Solas is a news, current affairs and culture magazine written from a Christian world view and is produced quarterly by the Dundee based Solas Centre for Public Christianity. The magazines are available for a discounted price of £2.50 (usually £3.75) and anyone who wants one should put £2.50 in an envelope marked 'Solas' and leave it in the collection plate.
