News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 26th May 2024

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.

Volunteers Today: Elaine, Christine, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.

Volunteers 2nd June: Christine Ann, Maighread, Donna and Carol Ann.                               

Tweenies for children aged 3-5 will meet in the main hall.

Volunteers today: Liz, Gillian and Eilidh.

Volunteers 2nd June: ChrissAnne, Alison and Aileen.

Tweenies, Sunday School, and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.

Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship. Tea and Coffee will be served by Murdo and ChrissAnne.

YF meets tonight from 7.45pm to 9.15pm in the Francis Street manse. We will hear from James and Donna about their life in ministry. All young people welcome.

Monday 27th May 1.00pm-3.00pm - Toddler Group meets in the M.A. Hall.  

Tuesday 28th May at 7.15pm – Ladies craft group meets in the M.A. Hall. All ladies welcome.

 Tuesday 28th May at 7.30pm in the upper M.A. Hall – Holiday Club planning meeting.

 Wednesday 29th May at 7.30pm English Prayer Meeting meets in the Seminary and on Zoom led by Rev Calum M. Smith.

The Kirk Session will meet immediately following the prayer meeting in the Seminary Session room.

Thursday 30th May - Explorers meet in the M.A. Hall:

 6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1- P3 and 7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7

Thursday 30th May from 7.15pm to 8.15pm – Exploring Life’s Big Questions at the M.A. Hall. All are welcome, and please invite others to come along. Leaflets with more information are available at the church door.

Thursday 30th May at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting meets in the Seminary and will be led by Rev James Maciver.

 Friday 31st May from 12.00pm to 3.00pm – Fridays at the Free.

The M.A. Hall will be open for soups, teas and coffees to give people an opportunity to meet with friends.

There will be a kids play area available as well as items from ‘Dove’s Corner’ Baby Bank free of charge.

Anyone needing transport please call Calum on 07717 495424.

Saturday 1st June at 11.00am – Ladies Walking Group meet at the Castle Museum car park.

Saturday 1st June at 7.00pmEnglish Preparatory Service in the Church and live on YouTube (Channel name - Stornoway Free Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver.

The Kirk Session will meet immediately following the service.

 Services next Lord’s Day – 2nd June

11.00am – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver

 6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev James Maciver. There will be a fellowship in the hall following the evening service where Rev Maciver will be speaking.

There will be no Gaelic service due to communion service in Kenneth Street.


God willing, The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated next Lord’s Day, 2nd June at the morning service. A preparatory service will be held on Saturday 1st June at 7.00pm in the church, Kenneth Street.

The Kirk Session will be delighted to meet with any who wish to take communion for the first time and those who have this in mind are encouraged to come. Opportunity for this will be given after the midweek service on Wednesday evening (29th) and again after the Saturday evening service. Please note that the Session will NOT now meet on Monday 27th as previously intimated. 


We were sorry to hear that Mrs Joan (Shonag) Macphail, Marybank, had passed away. We extend our sincere condolences to her daughters Marion and Catherine and their husbands David and Donnie respectively. We also remember Shonag’s grandchildren Alexander and his wife Amy; Samuel and his wife Alison; Daisy-Joan and her husband Matthew; Marion-Faith; Suzanne and her husband Graeme; Martin and his wife Becky; Joanne and her husband Thomas; and Daniel as well as her sixteen great grandchildren, sisters-in-law Mary and Catherine, and all nephews, nieces and cousins.

 We were also sorry to hear that Mrs Murdina Fairclough, Maclean Terrace, had passed away. We extend our sincere condolences to her husband George, daughters Wilma and Angela and their husbands Alasdair and Murray; grandsons William and Aaron; brother Alex and his wife Evelyn and family; sister Christine and her husband Calum Iain and family, as well as all other relatives, neighbours and friends.

 We pray that both families will know God’s comfort and strength in their loss.

 Thank you from Women for Mission

The Stornoway WfM committee wish to thank everyone who donated and helped at the lunch last Saturday. The generous sum of £1500.00 was raised which will be shared between ‘International Justice Mission’, ‘Release International’, Christian Values for Education (Scotland)’, and ‘International Mission to Jewish People’.

Interim Moderator appointed for the Congregation.

At the most recent meeting of the Western Isles Presbytery, Rev. Colin Macleod, minister of Back Free Church, was appointed as the Interim Moderator for the congregation from when our minister, Rev James Maciver, formally retires on 30th June.   

Mr Macleod is no stranger to our congregation and we look forward to having him as our Interim Moderator.  We commend him, our Assistant Minister and our Kirk Session to the prayers of the congregation as we will soon be entering a period of vacancy.

Public Lecture & Discussion: God and Suffering, with Prof Bob Akroyd

There will be a public lecture and discussion on the theme of ‘God and Suffering’ at Carloway Community Centre on Wednesday 29th May at 7.30pm.

This event is aimed towards people with questions about Christianity or who struggle with doubts about God in the face of all the suffering we see and experience.  

Day One (Lord’s Day Observance Society) Annual Rally

The Lewis Branch of the Lord’s Day Observance Society (DayOne) will hold its annual Rally in the Stornoway Town Hall on Friday 31st May at 7.30pm.

The speaker will be Rev Dr Malcolm Maclean, and the title for his lecture is ‘The Sabbath and Christian Experience’  

 GOOD NEWS for Everyone! (formerly Gideons UK)

The Western Isles Branch Annual Rally will be held at the Associated Presbyterian Church, Keith St, Stornoway, on Friday 7 June 2024 at 7.30pm.

The main speaker will be Bill Thomas, former National President.
