News & Updates

Notices - Sunday 24th March

Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.

Volunteers Today: Annette, Kathleen, Anne Mackenzie and Tina.

Volunteers 31st March: Elaine, Christine, Chris, Annmarie and Helena.                                

Tweenies: 11.00 in the main hall for children aged 3 - 5.

Volunteers today: Johan, Kay and Eilidh.

Volunteers 31st March: Liz, Anna and Aileen.

 Sunday School and Bible Class arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.

Everyone is welcome to the M. A. Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship. Tea and Coffee will be served by Murdo and Kathetta.

Monday 25th March from 1.00pm – 3.00pm – Toddler Group meets in the M.A. Hall.

Monday 25th March at 7.00pm - The Kirk Session will be joined by the Deacons' Court for a meeting in the M.A. Hall(upper hall).

Tuesday 26th March at 7.15pm – Ladies Craft Group meet in the M.A. Hall.  All ladies are welcome – no skills required.

Wednesday 27th March at 7.30pm – Bible Study in the M.A. Hall led by Rev Calum M. Smith. We will continue with the study ’Six Steps to Talking About Jesus.’

Thursday 28th March at 7.30pm – Gaelic Prayer Meeting in the Seminary led by Rev James Maciver.

 Thursday 28th March - Explorers meet in the M.A. Hall.

                                       6.00pm - 7.00pm: P1- P3

                                     7.00pm - 8.15pm: P4 - P7

Friday 29th March - Curry Evening in the M.A. Hall to raise funds for Local Free Church Youth Campers and Leaders.

Doors open at 6.30pm and food served at 7.00pm. To book a table please contact Ali Moley on 07810 691033. Hannah Mackenzie will speak about the camps.

Saturday 30th March at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting in the Seminary.

Lord’s, Day 31st March at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.

Services next Lord’s Day – 31st March

11.00am – Gaelic Service (Seminary) – Rev James Macdonald

11.00am – English Service (Church) – Rev Calum M. Smith

6.30pm – English Service (Church) – Rev Calum M. Smith

 Easter Family Service - Sunday 31st March at 11.00am

The family service will follow the same format as previous ones but will be slightly shorter. Children attending will be given a worksheet based on the sermon. Rather than all the children sitting together at the front, families are asked to sit together in the congregation. Holiday Tweenies will still run as usual. Invitations will be given out at Explorers, and are also available at the church and Seminary doors for the congregation to invite friends and neighbours.

Midweek Meetings for Prayer

The Kirk Session at its meeting last Tuesday decided that the Wednesday and Thursday midweek meetings on the third week of each month would be devoted to prayer, apart from short readings and some singings, for a period of six months beginning in April. This is in view of the challenges we face as a congregation, spiritual, material and financial, as well as the state of our nation, which increasingly sets out challenges to the gospel and to individual Christian witness and freedom.

 “Call to me, and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known (Jeremiah 33 v 3).”

Solas Visit

Solas are making a return trip to Lewis on 19th - 21st April. On Friday 19th April there will be two youth-focused events in Stornoway (details to follow). On Saturday 20th April two events are scheduled: Back congregation are hosting a Confident Christianity event in their church hall at 2pm and an evening event is being hosted by the High Free Church in Sandwick Hall at 7.30pm. On Sunday 21st April the Solas speakers will preach at Back & Point in the morning services and in the evening at High Free and North Harris.

Keswick Convention

There are seats available on the coach going to the Keswick Convention for the first week, departing Ullapool pier at 10.00am on Saturday 13th July and returning from Keswick a week later on the 20th. There are seats still available on the coach. Anyone interested has to arrange their own accommodation for the week, and pay the ferry as well. A flat for 4 has become available in Keswick that week. It has a double room, twin room, dining area, and sitting room. The apartment cost is about £950. Anyone interested in the travel by coach or the accommodation can contact David Morrison on 07753 957336 or [email protected].

 Scottish Government proposal to ban conversion practices - Update from The Free Church of Scotland   On 9th January the Scottish Government published its extreme proposals for a new law to ban so-called conversion practices.

Groups like Stonewall and the Humanist Society are encouraging their supporters to respond to the public consultation on the proposals. They want a ‘conversion practices’ law that would force Christians to endorse LGBT ideology. It is absolutely crucial that the Scottish Government hears the views of Christians.

The consultation closes at midnight on 2nd April. The Free Church of Scotland website has a copy of the response of the Public Engagement Group on behalf of the Free Church which can be used for guidance. This can be accessed at

Their response to each question is comprehensive, but can be summarised in your responses. It is important that you use your own words in your answers.  

We would like you to do three things:

  1. Pray that the proposals would be widely recognised as unworkable.
  2. Pray that the Scottish Government would be forced to abandon its plans altogether.
  3. Please respond to the consultation.  

Take time to explain to your church and Christian friends why it is so important that they respond to the consultation.

Thank you - A big thank you to all who bought jars of marmalade to help with costs of the Free Church Youth Camps. A total of £150.00 was raised.