Notices - 9th February 2025
Creche: 11.00am in the upper hall for children up to age 3.
Volunteers Today: Elaine, Christine Ann, Maighread, Donna and Carol Ann.
Volunteers 16th February: Christine, Catherine, Maryanne, Alison and Ruby .
Tweenies in the main hall for children aged 3 to 5.
Volunteers today: Elizabeth, Evelyn and Aileen.
Volunteers 16th February: Liz, Kay and Lydia.
Sunday School arrive in church at 11.00 with family, then leave through the side door nearest the hall after children’s address.
Everyone is welcome to the M A Hall after the morning service for a time of fellowship. Tea and coffee will be served by Murdo and ChrissAnne.
Monday 10th February from 1.00pm to 3.00pm – The Toddler Group will meet in the M A Hall.
Tuesday 11th February at 7.30pm – English Prayer Meeting at Laxdale Mission House.
Wednesday 12th February at 7.30pm – English Preparatory Service in the Seminary conducted by Rev Colin Macleod and live on YouTube (Channel name - Free Church Seminary Stornoway).
Please note – This service will NOT be available on Zoom.
The Kirk Session will be opened in the Seminary session room following the service. The ministers and elders will be most pleased to meet with anyone who wishes to join the congregation or sit at the Lord’s Table for the first time.
Thursday 13th February at 7.30pm – Gaelic Preparatory Service in the Seminary led by Rev Callum Macleod and live on YouTube (Channel name – Free Church Seminary Stornoway).
Explorers will not meet this week due to the school holiday.
Friday 14th February at 8.00am – Prayer Meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.
Friday 14th February from 2.30pm to 4.00pm – 55+ Fellowship.
We will have a "ceilidh" with "Kenny I" who will share with us some of his memories of Communion Weekends over the years. The singing will be led by James Murray. All over 55s are welcome.
Please remember that on Friday the church car park will be closed to the public and open for the 55+ Fellowship only.
If you require transport to or from the event, please contact Duncan Norman on one of the following numbers: 01851 860418 or 07787 973802.
Friday 14th February at 7.30pm – Gaelic Service conducted by Rev R J Campbell in the Seminary and live on YouTube (Channel name – Free Church Seminary Stornoway).
Friday 14th February at 7.30pm – English Service conducted by Rev David Macleod in the Kenneth Street church and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church).
The Kirk Session will meet in the Kenneth Street Session room following the services.
Saturday 15th February at 8.00am – Prayer Meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.
Saturday 15th February at 11.00am – Gaelic Service conducted by Rev R J Campbell in the Seminary and live on YouTube (Channel name – Free Church Seminary Stornoway).
The Kirk Session will meet in the Seminary Session room after the service.
Saturday 15th February at 7.00pm – English Service conducted by Rev David Macleod in the Kenneth church and live on YouTube (Channel name – Stornoway Free Church).
The Kirk Session will meet in the Kenneth Street Session room following the service.
Lord’s Day 16th February at 8.00am – Prayer meeting in the Kenneth Street Session room.
Lord’s Day 16th February at 9.00am – Ladies Prayer Meeting on Zoom.
Services next Lord’s Day – 16th February.
11.00am – Gaelic Communion Service (Seminary) conducted by Rev Roddy J Campbell.
11.00am – English Communion Service (Church) conducted by Rev David Macleod.
6.30pm – English Service (Church) conducted by Rev David Macleod.
There will be a fellowship in the M A Hall following the evening service where Calum Murdo and the visiting ministers will speak.
Sunday School Memory Verse
Today’s Bible memory verse for Pr1 - Pr7 is from the book of Proverbs. Please help us to learn it and have a go yourself at learning it with us.
Proverbs 3: 6
In all you ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Annual Special Collection for Bethesda
The annual special collection for Bethesda will be taken at all services today. Collection points will be available at all exits. Contributions can also be made by cheque and should be made payable to ‘Stornoway Free Church’ and placed in an envelope clearly marked ‘Bethesda’.
We were very sorry to hear of the passing of Norman ‘Tom’ Mackenzie, formerly of Maclennan Place. We remember his sons Alistair Iain, Colin and wife Eilidh, the grandchildren Kaitlin and James.
We also remember his sister Mairi and partner Colin, brother in law Tosh, and nephews Warren, Allan and Douglas and their families as well as extended family, friends and neighbours.
We were also very sorry to hear of the passing of Mary Nicolson, formerly of Macleod Road. We remember her daughter Zena with her husband John, her son John and his wife Caroline. Her grandchildren Emma, Greig, and Amy, and Karen and Rachel as well as 9 great grandchildren along with her extended family, friends and neighbours.
We seek God’s comfort for all who grieve at this time.
Providence Christian School Prayer Meeting
All are warmly invited to a prayer meeting at Providence Christian School on Monday 10th February at 7.30pm, led by Rev Kenny Macdonald. There will be a time of fellowship afterwards over a cup of tea.
For those unable to join in person, a Teams option is available through [email protected].