News & Updates

Book Now for Church on Sunday 9th May

For the Kenneth Street services on Sunday 9th May and onwards, these will now be taken by Lorraine Shewan. The preferred method of contacting Lorraine is by email on [email protected]. She can also be contacted by text or telephone on 07720321081. Bookings for each week should be made no later than 6.00pm the previous Friday. When booking by email please make clear the service or services you want to attend and the names and contact telephone number of everyone attending from your household. If you are making a booking for someone who is not a member of your household you should point this out at the time.

Bookings for the Seminary. Those wishing to book a seat at the Sunday services in the Seminary should contact Elizabeth McGowan on 07900586930 or by email to [email protected] and should be done no later than 6.00pm on Saturday.

Please familiarise yourselves with the following which applies to both places of worship:

  1. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early to allow time for cross-referring with the bookings list and to give those on duty sufficient time to ensure that everyone is correctly seated. Please use the hand sanitizer facilities on arrival.
  2. Handshaking is not permitted, masks must be worn and social distancing must be observed.
  3. Those attending the services at the Kenneth Street church, in particular, are encouraged to be patient. For all of us, this is a new and untested arrangement and it will take a week or two for it to settle into a routine.
  4. For Test & Protect details, it is now a requirement to list the name and contact telephone number of everyone attending a place of worship and not just the lead person as was the case until recently.
  5. Bibles and Psalm books have all been removed for public use but you can take your own Bible or use a downloaded copy.
  6. Congregational singing should continue to be avoided.


Arrangements for the Kenneth Street church:

  • Seating arrangements: The downstairs area will be filled first then the seats in the upstairs area. Please note that with the exception of those with health and mobility issues it will not be possible for those attending to choose their preferred seating area.
  • Exiting arrangements: At the close of the service, everyone should remain seated until instructed to leave by those on duty. Those sitting in the downstairs area will be directed to leave in rows using the exit doors at the far end of the church. Those sitting in the upstairs area will be directed to leave in rows using the main stair and the front doors of the church. On leaving the building, everyone should use the hand sanitiser facilities
  • Use of Toilets: Anyone who needs to use a toilet during a service should leave the church building to use the toilet facilities in the adjacent church hall which will be left open for this purpose.


Arrangements for the Seminary: The Seminary has already been used for Sunday services and weekly prayer meetings and the seating arrangements there remain unchanged. The only difference is that we can now increase the seating capacity from 50 to a maximum of 75. Those planning on attending for the first time since lockdown restrictions were applied in March of last year should familiarise themselves with the various points listed under 1 - 6 above.

Exiting the building: At the close of the service please remain in your seat until you are asked to leave in turn by the office-bearers. Exiting the building will be from the double door at the side of the pulpit. Please use the hand hygiene facilities as you leave.


Everyone attending our services should be assured that our buildings have all been thoroughly cleaned before and between services.
