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Midweek Bible Study Notes - Session 3


Wisdom from James


This Bible study is based on the Letter of James and is intended for group discussion after an initial talk by the minister. The questions set out in each session of the study are intended to stimulate discussion and need not be kept to rigidly but all the questions arise from what is written in this Letter.


 Session 3

Is my Religion “Pure and Undefiled”?




Passage for Study:

James 1: 18-27


Outline of Talk:

  • Is there such a thing as a “true” religion, a religion which alone is the right one compared to all the rest? If there is, how do I know which one, in a world of competing religions, opinions and worldviews? All will claim that their religion is the right one, but how do can we be sure that ours is the right one?


  • James has gone some way to answering this in verses 1-18. True religion is not only about enduring testings. Most religions will involve this in some way. It’s also about enduring for the right reasons and for the results we are taught to look for.


  • In verses 19-27 James gives us another feature of true religion. It involves a radical change in behaviour. Again many religions will claim that actions like caring for the poor are evidence that their religion is true. But James goes further. He anchors true religion, and the conduct of those who practise it, in the word of God. Three aspects of behaviour are highlighted – control of the tongue (more of this in chapter 3), ministering to the needy, and a personal life conformed to God’s standards. These correspond to a life of discipline, service and holiness.


  • By mentioning “receiving” the word James implies that there is a Giver of the word, and by using “implanted” James again implies an Agent who implants. He refers to receiving the word with “meekness”. You will need to explore what this word means. One of the greatest examples of meekness was Moses (Numbers 12:3).


  • James says that using the word of God is like looking in a mirror. It gives a true reflection of the person looking into it. But again James goes further. He insists that true religion is not merely about seeing oneself clearly; it’s also about being a “doer” of the word! Again you can discuss the ways in which the word has to be put into practice in true religion.



Questions for Discussion Session:


1. How many things can we learn about the word of God from verses 18-27? There are at least eight! 


2. What is meant by receiving the word with “meekness”? Look up Numbers 12:3. Why is “meekness” singled out as his chief characteristic? What is meekness? What is its opposite? So, what is it to receive the word of God with meekness?

3. How is the attitude of submission and meekness in verses 19-21 a positive attribute rather than an unproductive one? Think of your answer in relation to extending help to someone in need of support.


4. Why do you think a mirror is a good illustration of God’s word? Discuss what ought to be the results of seeing ourselves in the mirror of God’s word.


5. How does a person “bridle” their tongue? Is it just a matter of not talking too much?


6. If you were the opposite of the threefold instruction in verse 19 what problems would you make (a) for yourself in your personal relationship with God; and (b) for others in your relationship with people in the church.


7. From what you have discussed in chapter 1 list the three aspects of Christian living which are most important to you.







Next session

4th April- How Should I Assess a Person’s Value? – 2:1-13